How many hours from Jeddah to Dubai
Jeddah is located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, at longitude 39.198 and latitude 21.5424, while the Emirate of Dubai is located in the United Arab Emirates on longitude 55.1713 and latitude 25.0657, where the distance by plane from Dammam to Dubai is equivalent to 1042 miles; that is approximately 1676 km, And if traveling from Jeddah to Dubai by car, the distance is estimated at 1927.82 km, if driving at a speed of 70 mph or 112 km per hour, travel will take 17 hours and 12 minutes, and the difference between traveling by using the plane and car to move between the two cities is equivalent to cutting An estimated 252 kilometers.
Jeddah is located on the western coast of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, south of the Tropic of Cancer, at the middle of the eastern shore of the Red Sea, and with regard to its climate, it is variable due to its geographical location, as humidity and temperatures rise to more than forty degrees Celsius in the summer, and decrease in a season Winter. It is worth noting that there are four valleys in Jeddah, namely: Bryman Valley, Wadi Al-Karaa, which is located in the far north of the city and is the most flowing valley, and Wadi Ghalil, which is located in the southern part and is the largest valley in Jeddah, and Wadi Hasa Marikh, which is the second largest in size.
Dubai is the second largest emirate in terms of population in the United Arab Emirates, located opposite the coasts of the Arabian Gulf, bordered to the northeast by Sharjah, to the south by Abu Dhabi, and to the southeast by the Sultanate of Oman, which is home to 2.3 million people, only 17% of them Native citizens, Dubai occupies an area of only five percent of the total area of the Emirates.