Best times to travel to Turkey

Most tourists visit Turkey in April and May, as well as in mid-September and October, when the country’s temperatures are very appropriate to visit, congestion in tourist attractions decreases, while coastal areas are crowded with tourists and prices rise in July, August, and early September, and these months are considered the ideal period for beach goers and a special marine vacation. As for the winter season, most coastal cities are closed, but they are opened during Christmas and New Year holidays.

Seasons in Turkey

You can travel to Turkey in several seasons, and these seasons include:

  • Season from June to August: This season witnesses many things, including the following:
    • The country warms, the prices rise.
    • Increased numbers of crowds visiting the country.
    • Turkish school vacation period, which starts from mid-June to mid-September.
    • The best months in Istanbul are: April, May, September and October.
  • May and September season: This season is characterized by the following:
    • Few crowds in this season.
    • The temperatures warm in the spring and autumn, especially in the southwestern part of the country.
  • Season from October to April: This season is characterized by the following:
    • The fall semester begins in October, and the spring semester begins in April.
    • The presence of entertainment facilities in the tourist areas, and providing discounts to visitors.
    • Ski resorts start this season.

Tourist places in Turkey

Turkey contains many places worth visiting, including the following:

  • Aya Sofia.
  • Blue Mosque.
  • Qapi Brick Palace.
  • Turkish and Islamic Arts Museum.
  • The Grand Bazaar.
  • Ephesus.
  • Pamuk Castle.
  • Goreme Open Air Museum.
  • Underground city of Dernkoyo.

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