Simply put, Japan is a wonderful destination, enjoying a smooth mix of old traditions and new technology, which includes a wonderful array of attractions and entertainment venues, those who visit it will find many ideal experiences awaiting him, and Saud will come from the trip with many wonderful memories, but in the beginning, get to know us A set of tips that will help you a lot before tourism and travel to Japan.

Tips before tourism and travel to Japan

The language

The language barrier may be a problem for many tourists, but if you encounter it you will be able to easily overcome it through sign language, which will allow you to communicate with anyone who does not know his mother tongue without the need to speak, and in Japan this seems clear with many tourists who do not know the language Japanese, and some travel bloggers who are ignorant of the Japanese language say that by signal, they were able, even in remote back streets, to communicate with the locals, and even to ask them about many unknowns to them.
And for more reassurance, before we go, you can keep some key phrases and things that you may need to say, such as hello, thanks, please, I want, etc., knowing that learning some basic phrases in a new country will be greeted with great welcome by Before locals, it will give you more opportunity to interact with locals and experience their culture.

Why is everyone wearing masks in Japan?

When traveling to Japan, you will see a large number of people wearing medical masks through their mouth and nose, at first, it will seem strange to you and you may wonder why they wear such masks, but you must know that the Japanese people are always concerned about pollution and the possibility of transmission And infection, so they use these methods to deal with viruses.
Others wear masks to protect their colleagues, due to their illness, as a way to prevent the spread of germs, especially in public places.

Japan rail travel tips

Do not try to ride the train during rush hours, as the cars are very crowded.
Trains are a quiet and peaceful place, so it is important to respect Japanese culture, to be calm and your voice low.
Don’t sit in seats reserved for the elderly, the disabled and pregnant women, and give up your seat to someone who needs them more than you.
It is inappropriate to eat and drink on the train, or to listen to your music aloud, and to speak aloud on the phone or to the person next to you.

Stick to clean road

At first sight, you will notice that Japan is a clean and tidy place, and the locals and the government usually take care of it. Do not throw empty envelopes or trash on the floor, and work to keep the place you are in clean.

Tipping is not necessary

People in Japan take great pride in the work that they do and believe that the reward is your satisfaction with the service and doing their job in the best way. Therefore, baking in Japan is not normal, and workers may consider it an insult, so one of them may work to return it to you again while informing you that you have forgotten it in a way The error is on the table.

Ethics are a major feature of the people of Japan

Traveling to Japan
When you travel to Japan, please be friendly when speaking with the locals, as well as the hotel staff, the store or anyone, with a beautiful smile and use polite phrases to convey gratitude and appreciation, and in return you will find wide resonance by the people of the country who will meet you most welcome.

Getting money from an ATM can be difficult

While there are a large number of ATMs in Japan, it can be difficult to find a machine that accepts your bank card, so when you find the right ATM machine, I would suggest that you get a greater amount of money to cover your expenses for a few Days, and no problem, you can safely keep what you do not need in your hotel.
Knowing that Japan is largely a cash-based community, so most places don’t accept your credit card, even groceries often only accept cash. This means that you will need to transfer your money if you want to buy anything or eat, and it is best to transfer cash to the yen before arriving in Japan.

Wear shoes that you can take off easily

You should know that there are many places in Japan that warn against entering shoes, so it is always best for you to wear easy-slip shoes.

Japan is a safe country

One of the best things that will increase your attachment to traveling to Japan is that it is safe, as this wonderful country has been on the top ten lists among the safest countries in the world more than once, this is in addition to the fact that Japan is a great place for the solo traveler, bearing in mind that this does not mean Not paying attention to your valuables, or staying in remote areas at night, always take precautions.

Start searching before you travel

Japan may seem like a small country, but in fact it has a lot to offer visitors, starting from the wonderful places and charming landmarks, and interesting cities, and for this you will need when traveling to Japan for a long journey, through which you can discover this diverse country, and my advice to you, that you do before traveling To Japan by pre-searching for hotels, restaurants, trains, traditions and many more, so that you can easily communicate, integrate and enjoy a beneficial experience.

The best time to go

Although Japan is a totally beautiful place, and it gives you an unparalleled magical experience at any time of the year, but it is better to try to plan your trip in April, in the spring season, when all parks are decorated with flowers and trees, and when the wonderful scenery of Sakura flowers that It is admired by all tourists around the world.
Weather has eased travel to Japan can vary greatly from one part to another and from one region to another, so always check the average temperature and precipitation in the area that you plan to visit.

Spend more time in Kyoto rather than Tokyo

Kyoto is by far one of the most beautiful places in Japan, as it hides many beautiful temples, with a myriad of sakura trees, and its magnificence is that the streets are empty, which allows you to rent bikes and explore the city until late at night, and this may You are not in Tokyo.

Moved moved

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