The Philippines is an archipelago of islands, it consists of (7107) islands vary in sizes between small and large, and it is a constitutional republic located in the western Pacific Ocean in the southeastern side of Asia, bordered to the east by the Philippine Sea, to the west by the China and Vietnam sea, and to the south Indonesia, and from the north is Taiwan, with a population of about (92,000,000) people, with its capital in Manila, and its climate is tropical.
Races and cultures
In the Philippines there are many different cultures and races spread across all of its islands, and Negrito is considered to be one of the first races that inhabited the region in prehistoric times, then the Austronesian peoples came after them, and they brought with them multiple cultures that were affected by them such as: Islamic, Hindu, and Malay, and then came after That Chinese influence by trade, then occupied by Spain in 1521 AD, then a war occurred between America and Spain that resulted in the occuAl Bahahn of the Philippines by the Americans and imposed control over them, and after World War II the country gained independence.
The most prominent tourist cities in the Philippines
There are many tourist cities located in the Philippines, we mention some of them as follows:
It is the capital of the country, as it is considered one of the most famous and beautiful tourist cities in the Philippines, and its population is 12 million, and it is the largest city in the region in terms of area and population, and contains many important historical and tourist attractions such as: Santiago Fort, Malacaning Palace, and several churches Historic as St. Augustine Church, and lots of entertainment places.
It is located on the east coast of the island, and it occupies the second position after the capital in terms of its importance and the population of approximately (866.171) people, and it is considered a commercial center for the country and one of the most important tourist cities in it, where there are some archaeological and tourist attractions such as: Fonte roundabout, and the Metropolitan Metro Cathedral In addition to its wonderful islands, beaches and high mountain peaks such as: the summit of Mount Posay.
It is located in Mindatao Province, and it is characterized by abundant tourist and recreational places such as: its gardens such as the crocodile garden in which offers crocodiles, as well as beautiful and clean beaches, and the Ridge Jack Road which is a pathway full of picturesque natural places, and the center of the eagle which has the largest eagles in the world that a visitor can Enjoy its vision, and several cathedrals like: San Pedro, and multiple museums.
It is located in Cavite province near the capital, approximately (55) km, and a population of approximately (62030) people, and it is one of the popular and tourist places in the region due to its distinguished climate throughout the year, and the picturesque and wonderful scenery in it such as: Lake Tale, Jose Library, and flower farm , The Pontadi Lighthouse.
This city is located on the northern side of Luzon Island, with a population of (318.676) people, and was established by the Americans in (1900 AD). Its climate is cold, it contains tourist places such as: a mine garden, cathedrals like the Baguio Cathedral, the Lion’s Head Monument, and many palaces.