Where is Mostar located? How much is the distance between Mostar and Sarajevo? How to get to Mostar from Bihac? One of the most common questions about tourism in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in our report we will answer these questions and more after we get to know you and a quick overview of that wonderful city.
Mostar is one of the most famous and most important tourist destinations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and it is the cultural capital of it, as it enjoys the picturesque nature and historical archaeological sites.

Where is Mostar located?

Best Mostar hotels

Mostar has a good number of the best hotels in Bosnia and Herzegovina that are recommended for guests who have previously stayed, and we have collected some of these distinguished hotels and presented them in this guide, which must be reviewed before proceeding to book hotels in Mostar .. Read more

Where is Mostar located in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Where is Mostar located on the map:

Mostar municipality and city is located on the banks of the Nertva River in the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. You can find out where Mostar is located in Bosnia and Herzegovina specifically through the following map:

Distances between Mostar and the most important cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina:

Below we show the distances between Mostar and the most important tourist cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina that we also recommend during your trip, especially the capital, Sarajevo.

The distance between Mostar and Sarajevo

The distance between the capital, Sarajevo and the city of Mostar, is 129 km, according to Google Maps. This distance can be covered in two hours and approximately 10 minutes by car on the path connecting them, shown in the following map.

The distance between Mostar and Bihac

The distance between Mostar and Bihac is about 303 km, and that distance can be covered in approximately 4 and a half hours by car on the M6.1 track shown on the map below.

The distance between Mostar and Travnik

The distance between the two destinations is estimated at 159 km on the shortest road connecting them, which is approximately a 3-hour walk, only a quarter of a car.

The distance between Mostar and Yaitsa

Mostar is 163 km from the city of Yaitsa, and it is possible to move between the two destinations by car in three hours, approximately 9 minutes.

After knowing where Mostar is and the distances between it and the most important tourist cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina clearly, you can see the most important tourist places in Mostar by following the following article .. Read more

Articles you may also be interested in Mostar:

10 best hotels in Mostar Recommended

The best 4 places to visit in Mostar

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