Where is Urdu located? How far is Trabzon to Ordu? One of the most important questions that comes to the minds of many valued visitors wishing to tourism in Ordu is the Black Sea pearl. Below we answer these questions and more. But first, let’s get to know some important information about Erudo.
Ordu Province is one of the most visited tourist areas in Turkey, as it enjoys an attractive location on the shore of the Black Sea and embraces many attractions of a charming nature, such as the Ordu waterfalls and Lake Ulujul.

Where is the Turkish city of Ordu located?

The best Ordu hotels

Ordu contains a good number of the best luxury hotels in Turkey, and we have prepared this guide that includes a group of the best accommodation options in Ordu to help you choose the right hotel with the highest features and the best price .. Read more

Where is Ordu located on the map:

Ordu is located on the coast of the Black Sea in Turkey, you can see the map below to find out where Ordu is located in Turkey, in particular, Google Maps:

Distance from Trabzon to Ordu:

The distance between Trabzon and Ordu is approximately 251 km, according to Google Maps. You can travel from Trabzon to Ordu in three different ways, which are the private car, taxi, and bus.
You can use the following map to move between the two cities using GPS technology:

How far is Urdu from Trabzon by car?

If you are a self-driving driver, you can start your own car or rent a car in Trabzon and drive to Ordu in approximately two and a half hours, and it will cost you about $ 22 to $ 35.

How long does it take to travel between Trabzon and Ordu by taxi?

The distance from Trabzon to Ordu can be covered by taxi in two hours and thirty-three minutes, at a cost ranging from 80 to 100 dollars.

How long does it take between Trabzon and Ordu By bus?

The journey from Trabzon to Ordu takes just two and a half hours and costs from $ 5 to $ 9. This is the cheapest means of transportation between the two cities.

How far is Urdu from Istanbul:

The distance between Istanbul and Ordu is about 878 km, according to Google Maps, and this distance can be covered by renting a car in Istanbul and setting out to arrive in about eleven hours at a cost not exceeding $ 170.
There are many other means of transportation between Istanbul and Ordu, including flights, and the trip costs approximately $ 173. It is also possible to travel by bus in five hours, forty-five and a minute, at a cost of $ 18-27.
You can see the map below to see the available routes and routes for travel between Erudo and Istanbul:

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