Brazil is located on the Atlantic Ocean east of Latin America and is considered one of the largest countries in the world in terms of area. Brazil has undergone Portuguese colonialism since the sixteenth century and then subjected to several European attempts to control it. Brazil is considered one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in the world, as it has charming nature views such as the famous beaches, the Amazon rainforest, wonderful waterfalls, and others.
Brazil is also distinguished by the presence of many important historical monuments and wonderful tourist attractions, as it has churches, temples and buildings dating back several centuries ago, and Brazil is also famous for its international festivals, especially those related to samba music, as the Brazilian cuisine is characterized by its fresh seafood and delicious tropical fruits that are served in most of Restaurants and cafes, and perhaps the most attractive thing for tourists in Brazil is the wonderful mix between African and Portuguese culture and indigenous Native American culture. Here are some pictures that will persuade you to visit Brazil:

1- Christ the Redeemer Statue

Brazil located The statue of the Redeemer Christ on top of Mount Corcovado is considered one of the most prominent landmarks in the city of Rio de Janeiro, where millions of tourists visit it annually to enjoy the wonderful panoramic views of the city’s beaches and the national park. At the base of the statue is a Romen Catholic church where weddings, baptism and many other religious events are held.

2- The Amazon River

Brazil is considered The Amazon River is one of the most important rivers in the world, where its basin covers about 40 percent of the area of ​​South America, and more than a third of the species of wild animals in the world live in the Amazon rain forests, and many societies have settled on the banks of the Amazon River and some of them still exist today This.

3- The Indians

AmazonThe American Indians are considered the indigenous people of Latin America, where they have been proven in the region for 8000 years. These groups included the Guarana and Topinamba group and were largely dependent on their food for land and sea fishing, as well as gathering fruits and herbs from the Amazon jungle. After that, these groups developed and became crops and benefit from Fertile lands in the region.

4- Juscelino Kubitschek Bridge

BrasiliaThe Juscelino Kubitschek Bridge is located in Brasilia, the administrative capital of Brazil, which was founded in 1960 by the President of Brazil, Juscelino Kubitschek, named after the bridge. This edifice is one of the most important landmarks of the tourist capital, as it embodies the unique architecture of Brasilia.

5- The city of Salvador

Brazil The city of Salvador is one of the most beautiful and ancient Brazilian cities, as it was built by the Portuguese in 1549 and then became the administrative, historical and cultural center of Brazil during the Portuguese colonial rule. The city is famous for its distinctive architectural style, which mixes Portuguese architecture and loud colors, and the city was influenced by the African dimension due to its history in the slave trade.

6- The Celaron Ladder

Brazil is considered This staircase is one of the most famous landmarks in the city of Rio de Janeiro and was designed by Chilean artist Jorge Celaron, in which he decorated with two thousand pieces of mosaics coming from more than 120 countries. His design coincided with Brazil hosting the 1994 FIFA World Cup.

7Copacabana Beach

Brazil Copacabana Beach is one of the most famous and beautiful beaches in the world and is located in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, and the beach promenade area is one of the most important tourist areas in Brazil as it has a good number of luxury hotels and resorts as well as wonderful cafes and restaurants.

8- Rio Carnival

Brazil considered a carnival Rio is one of the most important festivals and celebrations in the world. The carnival celebrates the cultural heritage of Brazil, especially the famous samba dances, where various samba schools in the country compete for the title of best school in Brazil. The Rio Carnival often joins between the first day of March and the ninth day of the same month.

9- Iguazu Falls

Brazil located Iguazu Falls, on the Brazilian-Argentine border, is considered one of the most beautiful landscapes in Latin America, and it consists of more than 20 large waterfalls and more than 200 small waterfalls. UNESCO has declared Iguanzo Falls a World Heritage Site, and it has also been included in the nomination list for the selection of the natural wonders of 2009.

10- Fernando de Noronha


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