
Spain is a European country officially known as the Kingdom of Spain, and its capital is the city of Madrid, and it is located geographically in the southwestern side of the European continent, specifically in the Iberian Peninsula along the longitude of 3 degrees west of the Greenwich Line, and on a 40 degree north of the equator, and its area of ​​land 504.030 km2, the system of government is constitutional monarchy, its official language is Castilian Spanish, and its official currency is the Euro.

The most important tourist cities in Spain

The city of Barcelona

Geographically located on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, specifically in the northeastern side of the Iberian Peninsula, and is considered the capital of the Catalonia region, with a land area of ​​101.4 km², and rises above sea level 12 meters, and has twinning with several cities such as Varna, São Paulo, and St. Petersburg , Isfahan, and Gaza.

The city is considered one of the most important tourist cities in Spain because it has many tourist attractions such as:

  • Church of the Holy Family: Designed by the architect Antonio Gaudi between 1852 and 1926 AD, it is characterized by the abundance of stone statues and figures, and its high altitude, and is one of the most attractive tourist attractions.
  • Aquarium: It is located in Port Vell, and was opened in 1996. It is considered one of the strangest marine parks in the world and one of the most popular in the city. It features marine animals in an attractive natural way.
  • The National Museum: In the past it was a residence of the Caliph al-Mansur.
  • Canalitis Fountain: At the end of the nineteenth century AD, a place of an ancient fountain dating back to the sixteenth century AD, is located in the city center, on the street of La Rambla, close to Plaza Catalunya.

The city of Granada

Geographically located in the southern side of Spain, specifically in the Andalusia region along the Sierra Nevada mountains, with a land area of ​​88,02 km2, and rises above sea level 738 meters, and has a twin with several cities such as Aix-en-Provence, Agrigento, Tlemcen, Belo Horizonte, and Sharjah , And Marrakesh.

The city is one of the important Spanish cities in the tourism sector, because it contains many tourist attractions such as:

  • Alhambra Palace: It was built during the days of the rule of Bani Al-Ahmar, and it is considered one of the most important sites in the city most attractive to tourists, and in 1948 AD it was placed on the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites.
  • Corporal Paradise: It was administratively tracked to the Alhambra Palace. It was built during the reign of Muhammad III between 1302 and 1309 AD, and was redesigned under the rule of Abu Al-Waleed Ismail between 1313 and 1324 CE.
  • Granada Cathedral: It was built at the beginning of the sixteenth century AD, above the Granada Mosque, which was built by Banu al-Ahmar at the hands of King Fernando II and Queen Isabella.
  • Al-Bayazin neighborhood: It contains many archaeological finds from ancient times.

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