Below we give you everything you need to know before making a trip to Wonderland:

When is the best time to visit India?

The best time to visit India is between November and March, because the weather may be very bad between May and September, and the rains fall very heavily, and rain may continue in some countries and regions in October and November, but by December the weather will be in Most places are dry.
The weather becomes very hot in May and June, and temperatures fluctuate all the time, making winter the best time to visit India.

What do you take with you during your trip to India?

If it comes to clothes, it is better to take light clothes that make you able to move easily, and also it is better for women to wear conservative clothes due to the possibility of being subjected to harassment there, and some areas in India are still conservative and do not accept women and men wearing clothes that reveal objects .
For all other things, it will be good to take probiotics, charcoal tablets, and any other medicines that you may need if you have any disease, especially after eating and drinking water. All the time, buy bottled water and make sure it is sealed.

What are you doing in India?

Before going to India, you should prepare a list of places you want to visit and visit, especially since there are huge numbers of temples, museums and tourist attractions.
It is not possible to go to India without visiting the most important and famous tourist attraction, which is the Taj Mahal Palace, which is located in the city of Agra with ancient buildings and ancient ruins, and was built by King Shah Jahan, the Mughal Emperor to commemorate his wife Mumtaz Mahal, and hundreds of thousands of tourists visit it daily.

Agra Alhambra Castle, The Bangalore Palace, a royal palace that was established in 1862, and Vedana Building, one of the largest buildings in the city of Bangalore. And you can spend a wonderful time in the arms of nature if you go to the city of Srinagar, where there is a wonderful large lake and beautiful green gardens interspersed with river rolls.
If you are a fan of hiking, Munnar will be a good place for you. There, you will enjoy the scenic landscape if you visit tea plantations that span large green areas.

India is full of cathedrals, ancient churches, temples and mosques of stunning architecture, among which the Santa Cruz Cathedral is one of the eight cathedrals in Kerala, there is the Charminar Mosque with its four tall minarets located in the city of Hyderabad, and thehar Manar Mosque, which was built by Muhammad Qali Qutb Shah in 1591 The mosque consists of four minarets, each containing four floors with a total of 149 steps.

And go to visit the Prince of Wales Museum in Mumbai, which consists of three sections, they are the Department of Natural History, the Department of Archeology and the Department of Art, and the museum displays a number of art pieces and ancient paintings, and the museum also includes an exhibition displaying special gifts and souvenirs.
And if you want to go back to the ancient royal English ages you will find this in Kolkata, where you visit the English-style palaces, and it has many museums like the Indian Museum in its vast garden, and you will find there the largest cricket ground in the world.

What do you eat in India?

Indian cuisine is diverse and full of ingredients, which vary between vegetables, rice and various meats, and it has many recipes and foods that depend on fish, and is also famous for hot food, and curry is one of the essentials in it.
And the lamb with the Indian sauce is considered one of the most delicious Indian meals and it is used in different types of spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, yellow knot, cumin and grams of masala. You should also try Tandoori chicken, in which the chicken is cooked after seasoning with milk with yogurt, garlic and spicy Indian spices, and also eat chicken curry with coconut milk.
If you are a fan of spicy food, the Indian samosa will be perfect for you, which are fried triangle shaped pies, stuffed with vegetables of all kinds, and it is famous for its spicy flavors, as well as Indian onion bague and served with a hot sauce next to it. As for vegetable lovers, they should try biryani rice with vegetables.

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