
Britain is one of the countries of the European continent that is officially known as the United Kingdom, and is located on the northwestern coast of the continent, and its capital is the city of London, and its land area is 242.495 km2, and its system of government is a constitutional, constitutional and parliamentary monarchy, with a population of 65.097,000 million people according to general statistics 2016 AD, her official flag is the British pound, her official language is English, and is adjacent to it both the North Sea, the Iranian Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean.

The best cities to live in Britain

London city

Established in 1189 AD, it is located in the south of Britain on a latitude of 51.504872 degrees north of the equator, and at a longitude 0.078570 degrees west of the Greenwich Line, and its land area is 1572 km², and is one of the fifty busiest cities in the world; it occupies the nineteenth rank among the cities the world.

The city is characterized by cheap living costs and provides all the necessities of life such as housing, work and education. The city also includes many entertainment and touristic places such as the London Eye wheel located in the Jubilee Gardens and known as the Millennium Wheel, the Museum of Natural History, the Royal Theater Drury Lane, and the Tower of London, which was at the foot The seat of the country’s ruling family, the Cambridge Arts and Crafts Market, Big Ben Clock, and Oxford Street, which is one of the city’s very big shopping malls.

Cardiff City

It is the administrative capital of the county of Wales located on the coast of West Britain on a latitude of 51.29 degrees north of the equator, and on a longitude of 3.11 degrees west of the Greenwich Line, and its land area is 140 km², and rises above sea level 40 meters, and has twinning with several cities such as Xiamen, Luhansk , Stuttgart, Fidjivano, Brnik, Bari and Nantes.

The city is characterized by the ease of living in it and its rapid urban development, as it built recreational buildings and playgrounds on a world-class level. It also includes many recreational and tourist places such as the Stadium Stadium of Milanium Football, the National Museum of Wales and Cardiff University.

The city of Cambridge

It is located geographically on the eastern side of Britain, at a latitude of 52.12 degrees north of the equator, and on a longitude 0.07 degrees east of the Greenwich Line, and its land area is 40,000,000 square meters, and it is six meters above sea level, and the city is characterized by the ease of means of subsistence, including tourist attractions as a museum Fitzwilliam, the Abu Bakr Mosque, and the University of Cambridge overlooking the River Cam.

The city of Harrogate

Geographically located in North Yorkshire, and was founded in the seventeenth century AD, and is considered one of the best cities in Britain to live because of the ease of living in it and the cheap necessities of life, and being a beautiful city characterized by its wonderful flowers, and including tourist attractions such as natural pools, and beautiful parks.

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