Site Turkey

Turkey occupies a distinct geographical location, as the largest part of it is located in the continent of Asia and the other part in the continent of Europe, and over time, Turkey was a barrier and a bridge between the two continents, as Turkey is located at the crossroads of the eastern Mediterranean, Caucasus, Balkans and the Middle East, as it is bordered to the north by the sea Al Aswad, from the northwest by Greece and Bulgaria, to the northeast by Georgia and Armenia, to the southeast by Iraq and Syria, to the east by Azerbaijan and Iran, to the southwest by the west, the Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea, and Turkey is one of the largest countries in the region in terms of area and population As they result Weighi area of ​​any country in the continent of Europe.

Turkish foundation

Turkey was part of the Ottoman Empire that extended across North Africa, Eastern Europe and Western Asia, and it was taken from Istanbul, which was called Constantinople as its capital, and Turkey remained subordinate to the Ottomans until October 29, 1923 AD, the date of the founding of the modern Turkish Republic, as it was founded by Mustafa Kemal who He was the first president of Turkey, and he was called (Ataturk); that is, the father of the Turks. It is worth noting that Turkey joined the United Nations in 1945, and NATO in 1952.

Information about Turkey

We mention here some varied information about Turkey, as follows:

  • 99.8% of the population of Turkey convert to Islam.
  • The capital of Turkey is Ankara and is home to 4,431,719 people.
  • The population of Turkey reached 80,694,485 people, according to 2013 estimates.
  • The largest cities in Turkey by population are: Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa and Adana.
  • The gross domestic product of Turkey is 735.716 billion dollars, according to estimates by the year 2012 AD.
  • Turkey’s GDP per capita is $ 15,000, according to 2012 estimates.

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