
Archeology is the science that is concerned with the study of material human waste, as the history of this science is related to the beginning of man’s making of his tools, and archeology is called the science of (the ordinary), and this designation refers to the ancient al-Ba’da. Archeology is a scientific study of the effects of ancient human civilization, and this science includes the study of all matters related to ancient civilizations, such as the history of tribes and ancient peoples, and all that relates to them from residues, as those studies depend on the waste from buildings, buildings, art pieces, and tools such as pottery, It also depends on the graves and bones, ornaments that are found in some of the graves and the remains of temples.

The importance of archeology

The study of archeology contributes in its smallest details to uncovering many aspects of peoples ’lives forward, documenting many achievements of these nations, finding similarities between the lives of these peoples in the past and life at the present time, and contributing to drawing a rough picture of the lives of these ancient societies, and this science is The only way to get to know the nations that lived before the invention of writing. Archeology in America is a branch of anthropology, which is the science specialized in the study of the human race and its material and intellectual heritage, where European archaeologists see that their work is closely related to history, as historians study the march of peoples based on their study of written records, while archaeologists look forward to To know how they contributed to the development of these ancient civilizations, and to come to know the time and place of this development, and the reasons that led to this development, from what appears to be the link that links archeology to sociology, in addition to the pursuit of archeology To discuss the reasons for the fall of civilizations and ancient empires, and the reasons behind the fall Hama, Ksagot Romenian civilization, the Mayan civilization.

Evidence from archaeologists

Archaeologists rely in their study on the remains of man from the dawn of history, until modern man, and that evidence ranges from stone pieces to the remains of large cities, and the evidence varies as classified as follows:

  • Transferred finds: It is a man-made material that can be moved from one place to another, without any change to its shape or characteristics, such as utensils, decorations, beads, and stone industries, and also can be in the form of stone plates or written records.
  • Immovable encounters: It is the one that consists of homes, cemeteries, potholes, irrigation canals and other fixed industries that cannot be moved or separated from their surroundings, because there will be a change in their shape if they are moved.
  • Natural Encounters: These are natural materials that are found along with the fixed finds, and these include the bones of animals and some types of grains.

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