Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia

Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia, and its economic and cultural hub. It has been classified as a medium-sized European city, with an area of ​​about 164 square kilometers, located in the Ljubljana Basin in the central part of Slovenia, 476 km east of Zurich , 257 km east of Venice, and 322 km south of Munich, where the city center is located along the Ljubljana River, and the main rivers are Sava, Mali Grabin, Isca and others, and is home to unique plants and animals.

History of the city of Ljubljana

The city of Ljubljana was in the middle of the first century BC a camp for the Romens, as it developed into a settlement called Imona, and in the twelfth century the Slovenian tribes rebuilt it, and it was named by several names, such as Leibac in 1144 AD, and Luvigana in 1146 AD, and it gained the rights of the city In the year 1220 AD, but in the year 1335 AD, the city became the capital of the Austrian Carniola Habsburg Province, and the French took control in 1809 AD, and it became the seat of government for the provinces of Illyria.

The railway linking Vienna and Trieste stimulated the city’s cultural and economic growth, as it became a center for Soviet nationalism under Austrian rule, and a sugar refinery, foundry, and paper and textile factory were established, and in 1918 the city became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes and was occupied by the forces italyn in 1941 AD, and in the period after the Second World War, the city underwent development in the field of industry, and an airport and tunnel were built in it, and when Slovenia gained its independence in 1991 AD, Ljubljana became its national capital.

The most prominent landmarks of Ljubljana

Ljubljana is one of the greenest and livable capitals in Europe. It also includes many beautiful cafes, bridges and buildings of great design, in addition to the wonderful restaurants and museums. Among the most prominent features are the following:

  • Ljubljana castle.
  • National and University Library.
  • Triple bridge.
  • National Museum of Slovenia.
  • St. Nicholas Cathedral.
  • City hall.

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