Akashi Kaikou Bridge

The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge is the largest suspension bridge in Japan, as the bridge is a narrow link between Maiko in Kobe and Awaji Island across the famous Akashi Strait, and the length of the central central bridge spanning Nearly 1991 meters, also known as the Pearl Bridge, the spoon bridge design system allows the structure to withstand winds of 79.5 meters per hour, and earthquakes of up to 8.5 on the Richter scale, by strengthening the rigid beams of the bridge.

The history of the construction of the Akashi Kaikou Bridge

The idea of ​​building the Akashi Kaiko Bridge started as a means of transferring from one point to the other through the Strait of Akashi instead of using ferries to transport passengers due to accidents caused by severe storms, such as the storm that occurred in 1995 and led to the death of 168 passengers, which urged the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to establish a bridge across the strait At the beginning, bridge planning was a mixture of an iron bridge and a road. In 1998, the plan was restructured to create a road of its own six tracks. It is worth noting that the cost of building the Akashi Kaiko Bridge amounted to approximately $ 4.3 billion, and it took ten years to build. The bridge has three main features, and returns To being the strongest, tallest, and wealthiest in the world.

Information on the Akashi Kaiko Bridge

The Akashi Kaikou Bridge can be found through the following information:

  • The Akashi Kaikou Bridge consists of three overpasses, and the center of the bridge represents the main and longest part between them, as the length of other extensions is 960 meters, and the total of these extensions represents the length of the bridge of 3911 meters.
  • The Great Hanshin earthquake in 1995 increased the distance between the two towers of the bridge by one meter, and the distance between them is estimated at about 990 meters.
  • The Akashi Kaikou Bridge needs daily maintenance, which made the Honshu Shikoku Bridge Authority, in charge of maintenance of the bridge, run a center to control the bridge on a daily basis, monitor the horizontal and vertical movement of the bridge, and monitor the air conditioning system designed to prevent the corrosion of steel beams.
  • Japanese engineers were able to successfully build the Akashi Kaiko Bridge, by creating a new type of flexible and strong steel wire. These wires are made of a mixture of alloys and silicone with a thickness of 5 millimeters. These tapes were pressed into one of the steel wires with a length of 300,000 kilometers, then completed Fastened to the suspension bridge by helicopter.

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