Burma website

Burma or, as it is called, Myanmar is located in the western part of the mainland of Southeast Asia, between the latitudes 10 and 28-30 degrees north, it is bordered on the north and northeast by China, and on the northwest by India, and on the south and southwest by the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, From the southeast, Thailand, as it borders it to the east of Laos, and from the west to Bangladesh, Burma’s total length from north to south is 1275 miles, i.e. equivalent to 2050 km, as well as the widest part of it 580 miles; i.e. 930 km, it is worth noting that The name of this country was changed in 1989 from the Union of Burma, which is derived from the English language Lycian, which has been called since 1885 AD, to the Union of Myanmar derived from Myanmar or Merman Brian in the Burmese language.

Burma resources

Burma is an agricultural country, as three quarters of its population depend on agriculture, and as 43% of the Burmese workforce works in the agricultural sector, rice is one of Burma’s most important agricultural crops, in addition to producing large quantities of it, it also occupies the fourth position among the world’s rice-exporting countries Rice is also the main food for most of the country’s population. Burma also grows sugar cane, oilseeds, corn, rubber and tea, as well as the country exports some minerals such as antimony, lead and petroleum, in addition to good wood, which is one of its most important exports because it contains vast areas of water S more than half of the state space.

About Burma

Here we mention some varied information about Burma:

  • Nay Pyi Taw is the capital of Burma and is home to 925,000 people.
  • Burma has a population of 5,516,730 people, according to 2013 estimates.
  • The currency of Burma is kyat.

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