
It is that place inhabited by a group of people, as it is the first place to which a person belongs and then moves to his city to announce his loyalty and loyalty to his homeland, in the residential neighborhood embodiment of the meaning of human nature in acquaintance, coexistence and meeting.

The residential neighborhood is nothing but a body consisting of architectural elements such as houses, streets, parks, mosques, churches, markets, schools and other buildings, and the body beats with the spirit that is represented in human relations between the population, and residential neighborhoods differ in their types, there are old residential neighborhoods Or the old, organized, modern residential neighborhoods, both of which serve the human social and economic needs. In this article, we will talk about the ancient neighborhoods in which past life and ancient memories are embodied in each of its ancient corners.

The antique neighborhood

It is the neighborhood that has been built for an ancient period.

  • The old neighborhood houses are predominantly built of brick or milk and are characterized by their simplicity; they are composed of one or three floors as a maximum, and these houses penetrate the streets or narrow alleys that are not paved or paved in a required way, dominating the color of the walls of the houses yellow color, usually surrounding the neighborhoods The antique fences and gates that are considered the protective shield for the residents of the neighborhood from raids and people strangers; they are the only means that provide safety and security for the citizens of the neighborhood.
  • The ancient neighborhood is distinguished by the close relationship between its residents, and this is manifested by preserving traditions and social ties, in which human values ​​are manifested in the respect of people to each other, by respecting the great, taking into account the right of the neighbor, helping the needy, and participating others in joys and sorrows, unlike modern neighborhoods that Characterized by large population underdevelopment.
  • The old neighborhood is famous for the old markets, as it was the heart of trade, traditional industries, simple crafts, and agricultural crafts. Today, it has become a tourist destination to emulate the spirit of the past and the memory of that place, as it is a refuge that is free from noise, tension and pollution due to the nature that surrounds it, through the nature The trees and plants grown either inside the neighborhood and houses or outside the wall of the old neighborhood.

The antique neighborhoods are a rare example of the meaning of human life and the originality of the place, unlike the false life in modern neighborhoods that dazzle us with its giant homes and built on scientific architectural foundations, and also equipped with the latest services and requirements of modern life, and interspersed with asphalt streets paved to facilitate the movement of vehicles on them and move freely and easily between Its modern commercial stores, large hospitals, advanced schools and universities.

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