Monuments of a crunch

The city of Jerash is distinguished for its distinctive archaeological sites, including the following:

  • Street of columnsIt is the main street located in the ancient city of Jerash, and its length reaches 800 meters, and contains approximately one thousand columns.
  • Southern TheaterIt is considered one of the largest theaters in the city, and its construction dates back to the first century A.D. It is indicated that the design of its construction is suitable for the sound system in all its parts, and the theater can accommodate a number of 3,000-5,000 people, and at the present time the theater is used in cultural and artistic events, where a festival is held Jerash.
  • North theater: Its construction dates back to the second century AD, which is determined in the year 165 AD, and it is mentioned that its construction is suitable for the acoustic system in all its corners, which is like the southern theater, but it can accommodate 3,000 people.
  • The way of the nymphsIt is water fountains, and these fountains were built in the end of the second century A.D. It is indicated that this path is still known as Nymphium, where it was built in 191 AD, and this path is characterized by its amazing design; it is a luxurious marble basin, consisting of two floors, The upper floor is decorated with impressive geometric decoration, while the lower floor is decorated with marble.
  • South Gate (Hadrian’s Arch)It is called by a number of names, including: Hadrian’s Gate, and the Arc of Victory, which is one of the most famous landmarks of Jerash, and is located on the southern side of the city, which is a gate that includes three arches, and the height reaches 11 meters, and the date of its establishment dates back to the winter of 192 -130AD; to celebrate the visit of the Romen Emperor Hadrian.
  • Temple of ArtemisIt dates back to the second century AD, and it is one of the most luxurious landmarks of Jerash, and it is considered as the temple of the guardians of the city.
  • HippodormIt is a U-shaped horse stadium and a Romen circus. It is located in the archeological area of ​​Jerash, and it is located next to Hadrian’s Arch. It includes two walls and terraces from its three sides. These terraces rise on basements, and this stadium is used for horse races and vehicles with The two horses, or four horses.
  • Seminar SquareIt is located in the center of Jerash, which is an open square, and takes an oval shape, and is surrounded by Greek cathedral columns with a huge stone gate, and it includes sculpted images. The Romen Dionysus Temple was built in the second century AD, but was rebuilt in the fourth century to become a Byzantine church.
  • Two pools of JerashThe two pools were the site of the Romens’ celebration of the coming of the spring, and the two pools are considered the main sources for supplying the city with water, as the Romens built them to transport water to the city center, through a system of pottery pipes and stone channels.
  • Amawy mosque: This mosque is located on one of the corners of the main street (Cardo) intersection with the sub-street (Decmanus), and it is likely that its construction dates back to the second quarter of the eighth century AD, that is, to the period of the rule of the Umayyad Caliph Hisham bin Abdul Malik, and it was discovered in 2002 AD.

Religious shrines in Jerash

The ancient city of Jerash has many religious shrines and shrines, including the following:

  • The shrine of the Prophet Hood.
  • The shrine of Al-Zahid Ibrahim bin Al-Adham.
  • Sheikh Muslim shrine.
  • Shrine of Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Layyah.
  • Sheikh Nabhan shrine.
  • The shrine of the guardian, Khidr Al-Akhdar.
  • Shrine of Sheikh Ali Abu Al-Wafa.
  • The shrine of Sheikh Rimoni.
  • The shrine of Sheikh Abu Ayyat.
  • The shrine of Sheikh Abu Bilal.
  • The shrine of Sheikh Ghannam.

Jerash Tourist City

Jerash is considered one of the most famous archeological and historical cities, located on the Jordanian royal road, and it is one of the ten allies of cities in the Middle East, where it is considered the largest Romen archaeological city in the world, and the city is located 50 km north of Amman, where it is located between Amman and Irbid, and is found In a plateau region, forests, and a green valley where water runs, and the history of Jerash discovery dates back more than 70 years, where the city before its discovery was covered with sand, and upon its discovery, dust and sand were removed from it, and this city with fences and tall structures, theaters, and terraces was found, Wonderful bathrooms and shower Ra and fields paved.

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