Guyana is home to a wide range of landscapes and ecosystems, coastal plains in the north, mountains and highlands covered by rainforests, and savannah plateaux in the southern Robononi region, which stretches along the border with Brazil and we can say that Guyana is unique in South America and in the world for reasons There are many and really one of the best travel destinations in the world.

The best time to visit Guyana

Guyana is very close to the equator and therefore there is a wet and dry season and the temperature varies from very hot to unbearable hot, temperatures exceeding 40 ° C are not uncommon, especially in the southern part of the country.

The rains come between May and mid-July, then again from mid-November to mid-January, while the most rainy times in the interior of Guyana are from May to August.

What is the English-speaking country of Guyana famous for?

Guyana is the only English-speaking country in South America, some tourists are concerned about traveling to South America because they cannot speak Spanish or Portuguese, but this is not a problem in Guyana because people speak English fluently.

Guyana is the only country in South America that uses English as its official language, although Guyanese Creole is a commonly used language, a mixture of English with Caribbean dialects, Indian and Indian and East Indian terms.

Guyana’s population is diverse

You will notice something as soon as you land in Guyana, the country is incredibly diverse in terms of cultures, ethnicities and religions where the people of Guyana consist of seven different ethnic groups
Native Americans (consisting of nine different tribes), East Indian (from India itself), African, Portuguese, European (mainly British), Chinese, and mixed race.

Land a lot of water

There are three large rivers in Guyana, Demirara, Issykebo and the Perbis River.
They are also the names of the three provinces of Guyana. You will also find many waterfalls, the most famous of which is the Kaitur Falls, the largest single waterfall in the world and much higher than the Victoria Falls.

National sport is cricket

Unlike the rest of South America, where football reigns, Guyana is the land of cricket and is another legacy from Britain’s colonial past. However, Guyana has no national cricket team.
Guyana players compete with the West Indies, a multinational team that includes players from 15 different Caribbean countries and regions.

Lots of rainforests

Guyana should be on the list of all those interested in nature and ecotourism for one simple reason, 80% of the country is covered with rainforests, which are still unexplored by clouds, and are more likely to hide unknown yet species of science.

90% of Guyana’s 750,000 people live on the coast, and the rest are scattered around the interior, with some remote American Indian villages only accessible by foot, kayak or long trails and what distinguishes us from the countries of South America The other is that the government has recognized the need to protect its rainforests before causing irreparable damage.

Lots of wildlife

If you travel around the savannah and the rainforests in the interior of Guyana, then you must come across some amazing wild animals, the rainforest is a great destination for bird watchers and one of the best places to see eagles, one of the most raptors in the world and where strange ants and isolated animals roaming the hills You can also see sloths, red spider monkeys, manatees and many animals.
Guyana is a great place for Jaguar, which is also the national animal of the country. Besides Huatzen, the national bird, Jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas and difficult to discover because it is solitary animals and lives in the rainforests. There are six types of wild cats in Guyana.

Roraima Mountain

The highest mountain in Guyana is Mount Roraima, a mountain famous for the Pixar Film and a type of covered, isolated mountain that is only found between Guyana and Venezuela.

Little tourism ..

Dear reader, despite the many tourist attractions in Guyana, it is the least visited country in South America, where the number of arrivals from the airport reaches approximately 250,000 people annually, two-thirds of the Guyanese diaspora family visited by many business travelers, but The number of tourists in Guyana has doubled over the past decade, and their numbers are expected to increase.

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