
Afghanistan or the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is one of the Asian countries located in Asia Minor, and it shares its northern borders with Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan, and its western borders with Iran, and its eastern borders with China, and shares its southern borders with Pakistan. It is characterized by its strategic location, as it links the regions of East, West, South and Central Asia together, but at the same time it has no coastal borders, so it is called a landlocked country.


Afghanistan occupies an area of ​​about 65.2230 square kilometers from the continent of Asia, and the country is dominated by rugged mountainous terrain in general, but the plains appear in the north and southwest, and the desert and semi-desert areas appear in the southern lowlands.

the climate

The continental climate prevails in the State of Afghanistan, where it is very cold in the winter in which rain falls lightly, and it may also fall in the spring, and it is warm in the summer except for mountainous areas where the temperatures are higher than the rest of the regions, and the rest of the areas are considered dry or Almost dry.

Language and religion

Afghans speak several languages, some of which are official, such as the Afghan language or Pashto. It is spoken by 60% of citizens, and it is considered the language of the national anthem for that, as the majority of the population understand it. Arabic and Balochi language.

99% of the population of Afghanistan condemns Islam, and a very small percentage of other religions such as Hinduism and Sikhism.


Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world despite the presence of natural resources such as: coal, copper, iron ore, lithium, uranium, chromite, gold, zinc, talc, barite, lead, sulfur, marble, precious and semi-precious stones, natural gas, and petroleum .

Historical monuments

  • Kabul: The capital Kabul abounds with many historical monuments that bear witness to the ancient history of the region. Most of these traces date back to the era of Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan, may God be pleased with him and the early Umayyad caliphate. Among these are:
  • Balkhshti Mosque: It is the largest mosque in Kabul, and historical studies say that the one who laid the cornerstone in it is the companion Abdul Rahman bin Samra.
  • The minarets built on the shape of the star plan in the city of Ghazni and many other Islamic monuments such as: Sultan Mahmoud Tower, and Sultan Masoud III tower, Ghazni was considered the capital of Islamic culture in 2013 AD.
  • Herat City: The city of Herat contains many Islamic monuments such as the ancient wall, its gates, the Great Mosque, and its fortress.
  • The city of Mazar: It contains the Blue Mosque, which is a historical mosque.
  • It is a minaret or minaret of Jam. It is located in Ghor, and it is completely made of refractory bricks. It is seventy meters above the ground.

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