
It is a country located in the southeastern side of the continent of Asia, with a population of approximately 238 million people, and it occupies the fourth place in terms of population, and there is the largest number of Muslims in the world, and it has a legislative council and a president, and its capital is Jakarta, and it shares land borders with Papua , New Guinea, Malaysia, and East Timor ranks eighteenth in terms of gross domestic product and 15th in terms of purchasing power.

Number of islands in Indonesia

Indonesia includes 17508 islands, and there are approximately 922 of the islands inhabited only, and the main islands are:

  • Sunda Islands
  • The Greater Sunda Islands, which include:
    • Borneo Island.
    • Sumatra island.
    • Java Island.
    • Sulawesi Island.
    • Lesser Sunda Islands.
    • Kings Islands.
    • New Guinea.


The economy of Indonesia is characterized by a mixed between the government sector and the private sector, and it is considered the largest economy in the southeastern side of the continent of Asia, and its gross domestic product is estimated at 706.7 billion dollars, and the industrial sector is one of the largest sectors in it, accounting for approximately 46.4% of the gross domestic product. The services sector constitutes approximately 37.1%, the agriculture sector is about 16.5%, and it owns more than 164 institutions.

It ranks 27th as the largest exporter in the world, and in 2005, Indonesia obtained a large trade surplus of revenues from the United States of America, which is estimated at $ 83.640 billion, while its percentage of import from the United States of America was estimated at $ 62.020 billion, in addition to that It has a large amount of natural resources, including crude oil, natural gas, copper, gold, tin, and many others. As for its will, it includes equipment, chemicals, foodstuffs, fuel, and equipment, and its exports include electrical tools, oil, and Gas, wood and rubber, as well as textiles.

the culture

There are approximately 300 ethnic groups, as they evolved greatly over time, and were taken from the European, Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Arab character. After the end of President Suharto’s rule, the freedom of the media to express opinions and ideas increased. The TV market includes ten national networks. Commercial and competing local networks, in addition to private radio stations that provide foreign and private newscasts, and there are more than twenty-five million users who use the Internet, which is approximately 12.5% ​​of the total population, and the number of phone users is more than thirty million users, that is seven Twenty Percent of the population.

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