In detail, the ways to go to Meshachia from Istanbul, Arab travelers give you advice and say that you have to go to Meshachia, upon reaching it you find God’s great ability and greatness in his creativity of the universe. It is a paradise on earth with all the beauty of rivers and vast green spaces, here is how to go and what are the best places in it.

Go to Mashouki from Istanbul

You can go to the most beautiful village in Turkey, which is lush

  • Where the big green spaces.
  • The beauty of the area, which attracts the attention of many tourists.
  • It contains a large number of rivers, orchards and lakes.
  • There are more than 20 waterfalls, you can take your family and enjoy this magical atmosphere.

How to go to his fans from Istanbul

Public transportation

  • If you want to take a public transit, you can head to Istanbul’s Autogar station, which is full of buses, it only takes an hour.
  • First, the bus runs on Taksim Street, then to the Sergeyik region, then the Autogar harem station, which is in the Asian part of Marmaray station, which runs down the sea, to find yourself in Izmit, and finally you have arrived.
  • And if you are a hobby of riding the trains, you can take a train from Haydarpasa station that connects you directly to the place, but we find it somewhat exhausting.

Your own car

It is possible to go by your car or rent your own car, as the journey is somewhat easier, and it takes less time and does not exceed 50 minutes. And the car will take the same route as the Autoglass.

The distance from Istanbul to Machouka

  • It is located in Mashmaki, in the Marmara region, which is the Asian side of Istanbul.
  • It is about 130 km away from it, and it is 132 km away from Taksim, that is approximately the hour by car.
  • And away from Istanbul Ataturk Airport is approximately one hundred and forty-five km.

The most important places to visit in Mashouki

Mount Kartbeh

  • It is one of the most beautiful and famous mountains in Turkey, it is the second after the Oldag Mountain in Bursa.
  • It houses a very large number of tourists daily, especially in the winter season.
  • Tourists always climb it by cable car, and ski in the snow in winter.

Gool Park

  • It is one of the most luxurious buildings that you can see in Turkey and even the whole world.
  • The oldest buildings in the area and contains a number of distinctive designs.

Lake Sapanca

  • A lake that contains fresh water, many of its attractions have become more famous, and they have become one of the important places to visit when you arrive in Turkey.
  • It is located on an area of ​​about 45 km.
  • It is located between the Adzapari Plains and Izmit Bay.


  • It includes a good number of pets such as monkeys and elephants.
  • It contains trees of distinct shapes.
  • It has a number of different birds.

Lattice restaurants

  • There are many restaurants and we find everyone at a high degree of efficiency.
  • The tastiest desserts should be tasted with passion.
  • It is also known for its professional cooking of fish, the most important of which is the trout dish.

Natural parks

  • You have to wake up early and go hiking in the gardens and stunning landscapes of the village.
  • You can look at the trees and the unique flowers, and we find that each flower has its own scent and distinctive shape.

The nature of the weather in El Maechouiya

  • In winter, temperatures reach minus zero, as all parts of the place are covered in snow.
  • As for the summer season, which is characterized by high temperatures that warm the place a little, they rise to the equivalent of 27 degrees Celsius.
  • In the spring, the weather is mild, i.e. no more than 20 degrees Celsius, and it is considered to be the best season of the year for a lush village.

The cost of the flight from Istanbul to Machouka

  • You can rent a private car that costs around $ 150 to $ 200.
  • As for the bus that costs less, it reaches the equivalent of $ 70.
  • We find that the full trip including transportation and accommodation costs about 1500 dollars.

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