An integrated guide to Aqaba Water Park is the best tourist place in Jordan, Aqaba Water Park or marine as it is sometimes called a natural reserve for the diverse and charming coral reefs, where the treasures of marine life in all its forms and pictures lie, and it is one of the landmarks that represent a wonderful attraction for tourists from all over.
This “Aqaba Marine Park” park was built in 1997 on the southern shore of Aqaba, which extends from the passenger terminal located in the northern side of the city to the Police Officers Club located in the southern side of the city, as part of a rich coastline of charming and breathtaking coral reefs and treasures. In the city of Aqaba

Aqaba Water Park:

This park, which has a length of more than 6 km, is considered one of the most important places of tourism in Jordan, which is very popular with visitors, and this is due to the very interesting activities provided there. One of the goals of establishing the Aqaba Water Park is to give its visitors a real opportunity to enter a rich world Marine life with all its excitement, fun and exploration, where they can watch underwater life with all its images and wonders, in addition to raising and raising their awareness as a way to help encourage environmentally friendly practices and support and encourage sustainable tourism.
It can be said that the main reason behind the design of the Aqaba Water Park is the practical endeavor to protect the wonderful biological diversity enjoyed by the city of Aqaba, as well as preserving it from exposure to various factors that may affect it negatively, and then can be nurtured so that it remains for future generations represented by them with natural wealth And also tourist is invaluable.

What are the most important services provided to visitors of Aqaba Marine Park?

In Aqaba Water Park, you can reach directly to the beach. You can also enjoy a large number of recreational activities such as diving, snorkeling or swimming. It also gives you a great opportunity to enjoy the distinctive sunbathing, as it is truly an invaluable heritage for the marine life that this preserves. The park for future generations.

What are the coral reefs in the Aqaba (water) marine park?

Jordanian waters are very rich in species of coral reefs, where more than 127 types of coral live in it. The coral reef groups are called “marine diffraction” and marine reefs that exist in Aqaba have formed from distant times up to hundreds of years and with the passage of time these types began to increase more and more Become the richness, beauty and grandeur that it is today, the magic that captures hearts and minds together.

How can you get the most enjoyment from your trip at the Aqaba Water Park?

Despite the magnificence of the park, its attractive appearance, and the pleasure of exploring marine life with all its secrets and worlds, it not only satisfied with this but rather provided a number of facilities that ensure you to practice your favorite identities and recreational activities that suit you and satisfy your needs, and then you have a real opportunity to fully enjoy your trip, where you can do what Follows:

  • You can take your children and family members on a tour on the coast of the beach, as this beach and walking on it are one of the most important ways of entertainment for the people of the city to spend fun times with their families.
  • You can enjoy these many different water activities that the park provides for its visitors, for example diving for the sake of seeing the charming coral reefs, and some types of exciting marine life. Specific areas have been designated for these activities.
  • One of the wonderful activities that can be done to complete your enjoyment is the idea of ​​participating in a cruise within the park’s waters, including also enjoying water rides provided by the park for visitors of all ages, as it is suitable for adults and children.
  • It is a really exciting and enjoyable adventure to experience an exciting experience through paragliding over the water, which is available and available and you can do it provided that this is followed up by trained cadres to achieve the safety factor.
  • The park provides child-friendly amusement places full of exciting and fun games, so you can take your children there where they have fun.
  • The park includes a group of vital facilities, on top of which are various restaurants and cafes, then you can have your favorite meals with the family.

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