Information about the city of Kairouan in Tunisia, one of the most important cities that have a major role in the history of the Islamic conquests, in order to start the armies of Muslims from them and to go to Spain, Algeria, Morocco and the countries of Africa, and there are more than one shrine for the companions, may God be pleased with them and their lands, and it is called the fourth of the three, because The jurists are aware of its importance after Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem, and there are many Islamic monuments that have been established for hundreds of years, such as the Aqabah Bin Nafi Mosque, and in the following article from Arab travelers we show you the most important information about the city.

Information about the city of Kairouan, Tunisia

One of the companions who built the city of Kairouan

In the year 670 AD, the companion of the great Companion, Uqba ibn Nafeh, built the city of Kairouan, with the aim of establishing a city that would be the headquarters of the leadership in the Islamic state, for fear of regressing the income of Islam from religion, and therefore Kairouan is the first city to have an Islamic reference established in the countries of the Maghreb, It is also one of the most prominent cities that carved its name in Islamic history books.

The meaning of Kairouan

In the next paragraph, we explain to you why Kairouan was called by this name, so the word Kairouan is a word that has a Persian origin, and is pronounced in the Persian language “Kirwan”, and refers to the camp where armies preserve weapons, and when Uqba ibn Nafi built the city, he decided to be a strong fortress The Islamic armies are preparing in it to launch to all countries of the world to carry out the Islamic conquest, as people were meeting in Kairouan during the wars, and so it was called by this name.

The role of Kairouan in spreading Islam

The spread of Islam began in the countries of the Maghreb from the city of Kairouan, and that city had a prominent role in the jihad for the sake of God, as many calls came out of them calling for monotheism with God Almighty and not involving it, so the Islamic armies emerged from Kairouan to many countries of Africa and the world In order to achieve the Islamic conquests, just as the city’s jurists were traveling to many countries of the world with the aim of spreading the teachings of the Islamic religion, and teaching new Muslims the Arabic language and the Holy Qur’an. Kairouan has become the capital of the Islamic state for several centuries, which may reach four centuries, as it was from a They are the military centers of the Islamic Army, which made Kairouan one of the most prominent cities that played a major role in the history of the Islamic conquests and spreading the teachings of religion.

The scientific position of the city of Kairouan

The scholars consider the city of Kairouan one of the most important cities that had a prominent role in the spread of science in the countries of the Arab Maghreb, so Kairouan ranked first among the cities that have a great scientific standing, followed by a city located in Andalusia and called Cordoba, followed by another Moroccan city called Fez.
Many residents of the Arab Maghreb and neighboring countries went to Kairouan with the aim of receiving knowledge in them, so the scholars provided lessons of science and religion and organized teaching seminars in the mosques, and the mosque that was built by the great companion Uqba ibn Nafi, may God be pleased with him and his land, was one of the mosques that contributed to the spread of science in City and neighboring countries.
Many schools were also called dawr al-hikma, and these schools had a prominent role in teaching and publishing the Arabic language, teaching the Holy Qur’an, and also contributed to spreading Islamic and Arab culture, spreading the teachings of the Islamic religion that God Almighty ordered, and teaching people science Religious, like hadith and jurisprudence.

Great Mosque of Kairouan

The Great Mosque of Kairouan was built in 670 AD, to become the first mosque to be built in the countries of the Maghreb, and the construction time took nearly five years, because the Muslims were busy with Islamic conquest and jihad for the sake of God, and the mosque had a great position in the state at the time, where He contributed to the launch of the Islamic armies to achieve the conquests, as well as spreading various sciences and Islamic culture from it.


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