June is considered one of the best months to travel in the summer because temperatures are low compared to other months. Tourists can choose many tourist destinations suitable for husbands and family as well as friends from the list that we will present to them, and these destinations vary between European countries that enjoy their historical monuments and famous museums, as well as Asian destinations that are characterized by their picturesque nature, especially its beautiful beaches and islands, in addition to African destinations and countries of South America . Here are the top tourist destinations for June 2020:

1- Iceland

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The best tourist destinations for March 2020

The best tourist destinations for March 2020

The best tourist destinations for March 2020

Iceland is among the most beautiful tourist destinations in Europe and the country is famous for its picturesque nature. Tourists often visit Iceland to see the aurora borealis and enjoy the dancing lights whose colors change as their movements change, as tourists like to go to the various resorts famous for their hot waters rich in mineral salts, as well as explore the capital Reykjavik and cities Coast fishing, which is characterized by its colorful buildings and made of wood. June is considered to be one of the best months to visit Iceland, as the temperature is ideal to enjoy all that the country has to offer its visitors.

2- Malaysia

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Beaches of Malaysia


Malaysia is one of the countries that appeals to Arab and Muslim tourists, as it is one of the Asian countries that enjoys everything, with the charming nature of picturesque beaches and tropical rain forests, as well as many historical monuments and tourist places such as mosques, museums and beautiful gardens, and tourists can enjoy local food in various Restaurants and cafes that offer delicious Malaysian, Asian and even international dishes. The month of June is ideal for visiting Malaysia, where temperatures and humidity are appropriate to explore different regions of the country.

3- South Africa

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Cape Town, South Africa,


The best tourist destinations for January

Monuments in South Africa

South Africa is among the best tourist destinations in the brown continent, and June is one of the ideal months to visit, as the winter coincides with the start of the whale migration season that can be seen in the coasts of Cape Town. South Africa is distinguished by its ancient history of apartheid and anti-racism, and tourists will find many statues of Commander Nelson Mandela and many museums dating to South African history. The country has a charming nature of forests and beaches within sight, and the hotel structure is excellent, as there are many high-end resorts and hotels.

4- Argentina

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Iguazu Falls

Argentina colors

Argentina is a country of legends of football and the famous tanco dance, a country of ancient monuments witnessing its rich and ancient history, a country of enchanting nature and vast spaces, a country of diversity and different cultures coexisting in peace. It is advisable to visit Argentina in early June, when the winter season starts and temperatures drop. We advise tourists to visit the capital, Buenos Aires, to explore historical and sports attractions, as well as to visit the Patagonia region in the south, which is famous for its magnificent natural scenery and the Gaucho people that inhabit it.

5- United Kingdom

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The United Kingdom is among the most important European destinations suitable for couples and families together, as it is characterized by its luxurious hotels and resorts, as well as its historical monuments and world-famous tourist places, and the United Kingdom has many options. The nature there is picturesque and the atmosphere is moderate and ideal in June, which makes the task of exploring cities easy. And fun. In addition to the various markets and restaurants that offer delicious food and sweets, Arab tourists can find halal restaurants that spread throughout the cities, especially in London.

6- Sri Lanka

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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is the jewel of the Indian Ocean from the magnificent islands that attract many Arab tourists because of its geographical proximity to the Arabian Gulf, its charming nature and its wonderful atmosphere. There are many wonderful resorts and hotels in Sri Lanka, as well as many historical monuments such as temples and ancient churches, and tourists love to visit the various tea plantations in the country. Sri Lanka is also distinguished by its rich animal and plant wealth, and tourists are advised to visit it in June, as temperatures are ideal for exploring all areas of the island.

7- Tanzania

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Tanzania is among the most beautiful African countries and is famous for its safaris, the picturesque nature and wildlife that live in the reserves. Tourists wishing to visit are advised to travel during the month of June, as the weather is moderate and temperatures and humidity are ideal for exploring the country and the magnificent island of Zanzibar, which has Arab and African charm. There are many luxurious hotels and resorts that overlook the white sandy beaches, enabling visitors to relax and spend the best time with family and friends.

8- Canada

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The best tourist destinations for March 2020

Canada nature

Canoeing in Canada

Canada is located in North America and is considered one of the most beautiful countries in the world as it enjoys a rich and picturesque nature and ancient cities such as Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa and other wonderful cities, which have many historical monuments such as museums, galleries, operas, historical buildings and many historical places, as well as markets, restaurants and cafes that offer Best local and international cuisine. June is considered one of the best months to visit Canada because the weather is moderate and ideal for exploring the wonderful Canadian cities and nature reserves scattered all over the country.

9- Croatia

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Croatia has become among the most attractive European tourist destinations for tourists and the country has wonderful beaches characterized by its blue waters, ancient medieval cities and beautiful fishing villages famous for its red roofs. June is among the best months to visit Croatia, where summer is the peak of the tourist season.

10- Indonesia

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Bali temple

The best activities and attractions in Bali

The best activities and attractions in Bali


Indonesia is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Asia and is characterized by its beautiful nature and its magnificent islands, the most famous of which is Bali. It also has many tourist attractions such as Buddhist and Hindu temples in addition to mosques, Islamic centers, museums and galleries. There are many hotels and international resorts in different parts of the country where one can relax in an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. June is considered one of the best months to visit the country because the temperatures and humidity allow exploring all that is rich in Indonesia.

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