
Whoever does not travel or thinks one day that he will travel to a country other than the country in which he resides, travel is desirable for many people for many reasons, and what we see and read daily from advertisements that promote travel and tourism programs is only an indication of the growing desire of people to travel and travel from a country For the last, and despite some obstacles that face the tourism sector, the demand for it remains in all countries, and tourism is important for the individual and society.

The importance of tourism to the country

We can summarize the importance of tourism on a number of points, including:

  • Tourism is a tributary of the tributaries of the local economy and promoted for national output and income. Many Arab countries, such as Egypt and Lebanon, depend on tourism as a tributary of the economy. Rather, what comes from tourism constitutes an important part of the budget of these countries, as these countries impose entry and exit visas or fees for entry. Tourist places are an indispensable source of income.
  • Tourism is a civilizational marketing tool for the state. Through tourism, a person can get to know the industries of the countries he visits and their products, and therefore the countries need tourists in order to introduce them to their industries and products. This undoubtedly provides the economy and enhances the national product.
  • Tourism is a means of exchanging cultures and getting to know the customs and traditions of peoples. When a person travels to another country, he learns about his culture, customs and traditions, and this deepens the relations and embeds them among the peoples of the world. Rather, the traveler and the tourist can also be an ambassador of his country in defining its culture and highlighting the image of its civilized behavior.

The importance of tourism to individuals

The tourism experience is beneficial for people and may be a reason to change their lives for the better, for what a person acquires and learns while traveling, and here are some of the benefits of tourism for individuals:

  • Tourism is a means to eliminate unemployment and provide employment opportunities for young people. Many tourist countries work to employ their citizens in tourist establishments, restaurants, and jobs related to tourist services such as guide and tourist guide jobs and tourism promotion jobs, and in some tourist countries like Egypt hundreds of thousands of qualified and trained young people .
  • Tourism is a means of entertainment and change of the human psyche, as many people advise you to travel in order to change your psyche, for when a person leaves his country and packs his luggage and travels in curiosity and excitement, he will land his journey in a new land and see other people other than those he knows in his country and this is undoubtedly an adventure For many, many psychologists advise those exposed to stress and depression to travel in order to change their psyche. Tourism has a positive role in promoting the good side of people’s psyche.

Tourism video

To learn about tourism, watch the video.

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