
Beijing is classified as the largest capital in the world in terms of population, with a population of approximately twenty one million, according to estimates in the year 2013 AD, located on the top of the plains of northern China, and its average height is only 43.5 meters, and occupies a strategic location between the northern plains and plateau Mongolian, in addition to the Great Wall of China in the northern part of it, and contains more than two hundred rivers, and streams flowing through the city, and there are five major rivers, namely: Yongding River, Chao, Pune, Joma and Ju.

Information about the city of Beijing

Beijing is known as the capital of the People’s Republic of China, and is considered the political headquarters and cultural center of the country, and it has been an integral part of the history of China over the past eight centuries, and residents of the city and tourists come to many historical places nearby; such as the Summer Palace, and the tombs of emperors of the Ming dynasty, The Great Wall of China, and many other places, and people move around the city by bus, bicycle, car, or ground train.

Beijing city residents

There are fifty-six different ethnic groups officially recognized in Beijing, and the vast majority of them belong to 96.2% to the Han ethnic group, and the rest is divided into fifty-five ethnicities, and the Manchus, the Hue, and the Mongols are the most numerous of these races, and many ethnic groups live in special neighborhoods With it, with special facilities; to monitor its traditional and cultural practices.

History of the city of Beijing

Beijing has an area of ​​approximately 16,800 square kilometers, and was first divided under the imperial government centuries ago, and it is known that Beijing was inhabited since prehistoric times, that is, about 500,000 years ago, and the history of the oldest settlement recorded in the city’s history dates to a region called Today southwest of Beijing, in 1045 BC, which was home to a city called Ji, the capital of the Yan Kingdom.

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