A guide to the most beautiful tourist areas in Switzerland is recommended to visit from the experiences of travelers – Switzerland is famous in the world because it is a natural land and beauty, it is the country that controls the Alps, blue lakes, meadows, glaciers and picturesque villages, as well as cultural treasures that exist in cities and tourist centers, where Switzerland offers many places including Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Lausanne and many international museums.
There is beautiful old architecture, enjoyment of the vital arts, luxurious food, and all the luxuries belonging to the largest cities, and there are also many small cities and ideal resorts, for those looking for landscapes and relaxation, and Switzerland is one of the most popular destinations for skiing in the winter, and a lot Among the resorts that have a world-class, the most important of them are the resort of Grindelwald, Gstaad, Floppy, Ribramat and St. Moritz, and in the summer most of the resorts work to provide service for hikers, and lovers of hiking, so the Arab travelers website was keen to show you the most important destinations Tourist to Switzerland, which attracts many tourists every year.

The most famous tourist areas in Switzerland:

We also mentioned previously that Switzerland has many tourist destinations that make it one of the most important countries for tourists from all over the world and the most important of its tourist regions:

  • Matterhorn:

The Matterhorn summit is one of the most prominent mountains that exist in Switzerland, and it is one of the highest mountains in the Alps with a height of 4478 meters, and it is located precisely on the italyn border, and thousands of experienced visitors are attracted to it every summer, and upon reaching this summit lies the picturesque village of Zermatt, and is considered one of the highest An international resort with stunning chalets, hotels and restaurants globally, and horse-drawn carriages, but carriages are blocked inside the village until you keep behind the pure area and its sound atmosphere.

  • Jungfrauguch:

It is one of the most important and most popular experiences in the fascinating city of Opera Land Perez, it is the train trip to Jungfraujoch, there is a gazebo, and the scientific observatory, which is approximately 3454 meters high.

  • Interlaken:

Where Inter Lac is located between Lake Tonn to the west, and Lake Brennens to the east, and it is one of the most important summer vacation resorts and the most popular in Switzerland, and the main attraction that attracts him is Hohumat, which is considered a miracle of urban planning with 35 acres of its open space, including From gardens to flowers, cafes, hotels and restaurants, the Interlaken summit is located above the country, in order to provide a good opportunity to experience the adventures of the Alps, and provides the country with more than 45 cable cars, railways, and ski lifts that help transport tourists to the surrounding countryside.

  • Lucerne:

Lucerne includes a variety of factors that attract tourists, including the glorious blue lake, which is surrounded by mountains and an ancient medieval town, and is characterized by car-free, covered bridges and many parks located on the waterfront, historic buildings and sunny courtyards with some wonderful fountains.

  • Lake Geneva:

Lake Geneva is one of the largest lakes on the Pulp Mountains in Europe, as it stretches on the Swiss and French borders, and many popular cities on Switzerland are located on its shores, and the most prominent of them is the city of Geneva and it is called the “City of Peace”, which is located on the mountain peaks covered with snow at the intersection of the Ruwan River With Lake Geneva, and over 62 kilometers from Geneva, Lausanne is a wonderful and distinct city that attracts many tourists.

  • Chillion Castle:

The Chillion Castle, which has inspired many artists and writers for many centuries, may be located on the shore of Lake Geneva near Montreux, and the complex contains 25 buildings clustered around three plazas of stunning views of the lake.

  • St. Moritz:

Turquoise lakes, leather rivers, alpine forests, and winding peaks are among the most important landmarks that have made St. Moritz one of the most prominent mountain destinations in the world. The city is divided into two sections, namely St. Moritz and Dorf, which overlooks St. Moritz Bad and Lake St. Moritz, and overlooks the valley land, The city has many languages, most notably German, French, italyn, English, and other than the various languages ​​that tourists come to.

  • Bern:

Bern is the Swiss capital, which is located on a peninsula in the Ari River, and is characterized by this wonderful city[ToenchanttheworldwithitsancientraceandmedievalcountrywhichisoneofthemostimportantworldheritagesitesforUNESCOasBernoffersthecapitaltoallitsvisitorsacollectionofmarketsancientmuseumspicturesquegardensandwonderfulhistoricalbuildings[انتسحرالعالمبعرقتهاوبلدهاالقديمةالتيترجعللقرونالوسطى،وهيمنأهمالمواقعالتراثالعالميبالنسبةلليونسكو،حيثتقدمبرنالعاصمةلكافةزوراهامجموعةمنالأسواقوالمتاحفالعريقة،والحدائقالخلابة،والمبانيالتاريخيةالرائعة[ToenchanttheworldwithitsancientraceandmedievalcountrywhichisoneofthemostimportantworldheritagesitesforUNESCOasBernoffersthecapitaltoallitsvisitorsacollectionofmarketsancientmuseumspicturesquegardensandwonderfulhistoricalbuildings[انتسحرالعالمبعرقتهاوبلدهاالقديمةالتيترجعللقرونالوسطى،وهيمنأهمالمواقعالتراثالعالميبالنسبةلليونسكو،حيثتقدمبرنالعاصمةلكافةزوراهامجموعةمنالأسواقوالمتاحفالعريقة،والحدائقالخلابة،والمبانيالتاريخيةالرائعة

  • Basel:

  • The Basel visit is a tremendous opportunity to recreate the classic and historical elegance that characterizes Basel, a distinguished tourist attraction, including the ancient Basilica Church, its unique architecture, and the Rhine, as it is famous for the zoo, which is one of the best parks in the whole world, along with important architectural features The most important of them are the cathedral and beautiful art, galleries and theaters, and classical music, which makes it one of the tourist attractions that attract tourists.
  • Lausanne:

Many tourists, when visiting Switzerland, prefer to go immediately to visit Lausanne and tour and enjoy its historical tourist attractions, the most important of which are the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Olympia Museum, as well as enjoying the enchanting and picturesque nature, whether it is gardens or lakes and charming parks that attract attention.

  • Zermatt:

Zermatt is one of the most prominent winter tourist areas, due to its ski resorts around the world, enjoyed by tourists on the ice-covered mountain peaks, and is one of the picturesque alpine chains, it is also a suitable place for ski lovers and mountain men, especially winter, and there are many luxury resorts that It gives tourists the opportunity to shop in the slopes of stores that own international brands.



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