Learn about the most important tourist attractions in New York It is recommended to visit them, as New York City is one of America’s most densely populated cities, as it is the center of many events and activities, including media, art, trade, money, science, entertainment, fashion, technology and also education, and it is also distinguished as One of the most important centers of the year in the world, New York is also the economic and cultural capital of the United States of America, as it is a focus of attention for tourists due to its important tourist attractions, so you should not miss the opportunity to visit and learn about its attractions Of. So, we will show you in this article on the site of Arab travelers the most important and most prominent tourist attractions that exist in New York City.

The most important sights in New York:

As we mentioned previously, New York is a city of beauty and has many tourist attractions that distinguish it from other countries. Among the most important tourist attractions in it are:

  • statue of Liberty:

The Statue of Liberty is considered one of the most important symbol and the most famous in the United States of America and one of the most attractive places for tourists in New York City, so it is natural for your visit to be completed with a visit to the Statue of Liberty. The statue has been in France since 1885 AD, and it was a gift that the French people gave to the United States of America. It was opened for visiting since 1886 AD. This statue symbolizes a woman who has been freed from the restrictions of exclusion, and its length is 93 meters, and it is considered one of the most beautiful places that he prefers. The tourist when visiting New York In order to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and views from the top of the Statue of Liberty.

  • The Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts:

    This museum is considered one of the first American museums, as it is very similar to the museums that exist in Europe. The museum has been built since the nineteenth century, and the museum owns many ancient artifacts, which are rooted in many Egyptian and Assyrian civilizations as well as European and others, and you will find it Exactly on Fifth Avenue from downtown New York.

  • Niagara Falls:

Niagara Falls is one of the most important natural wonders that exist in America, where millions of tourists are accepted throughout the year, and there are many means to enjoy the waterfalls starting from the corridors that are located above the waterfalls and also boat rides that give tourists a pleasure from watching and enjoying the city’s attractions The waterfalls are located along the borders between Canada and the United States of America, as well as between Niagara in New York and the city of Niagara, the Canadian province of Ontario, and historians have predicted that the age of Niagara Falls may reach about ten thousand years, as they form at the end of the era Lady latter.

  • central Park:

It is one of the most beautiful public parks in the United States of America, as this park receives thousands of visitors a day, and it is also one of the most important tourist attractions that attract tourists outside the city, and visitors have begun to attract them since 1963 and find them specifically in the street fifty-nine .

  • Finger Lakes Lakes:

It is a group of lakes that constitute the Al-Asami which number eleven lakes. It may be located in western New York City. The lakes of Al-Assamiya provide many scenic landscapes. They are also located in many resorts and cities, many of which are heavily crowded, especially in the summer. , Where those lakes were formed by an ice crawl, where deep water courses flooded with water, after the ice retreated, and so it affects the shape of lakes that are in the shape of a rectangle, including the lakes of the continent of Europe.

  • New York Library:

It is a public library in New York and has been built since 1895 AD and is one of the most prominent libraries that exist in the United States of America and at the level of the whole world, as it owns many books and folders and may return to its multiple civilization as it is a destination for many visitors and researchers, and is found on Fifth Avenue.

  • Lake Placid:

It is a city located in the state of New York, where it twice hosted the Governor of the Winter Olympics, when they slaughtered Mount Whiteface, until it became at the moment a famous tourist center, as it is located amid neutral beautiful landscapes, and many lakes and hills, as it is known Countries as one of the best countries for winter recreation, especially skiing, and the city is a popular destination in the summer, and there are all kinds of shops and restaurants rare.

  • The Metropolitan Opera:

The Metropolitan Opera is one of the most important and largest opera roundabouts that exist in the United States and worldwide. It is also one of the largest organizations that give good attention to music and its performances, especially classical music, and are specifically concentrated in the Lincoln Center Plaza.

  • Grand Center Station:

It has been opened in New York City since 1871, but it has suffered a lot of damage over the years, so they have done a lot of times to restore and work to rebuild it again, until it is the way it is currently, and that station is one of the largest stations in the United States America and the world as well.

  • Fifth Avenue:

It is one of the most vital places that attract tourists in the city, as it contains many famous stores, as well as it separates New York City into two parts, south and north, and it is the beating heart of the city as it is called by many tourists and city residents.

  • Chinatown:

A visit to Chinatown in New York City gives you an opportunity to experience the traditional Chinese life. Also, this neighborhood has many scenes that live in Chinese life through popular Chinese restaurants, or stores that sell decorations and Chinese artifacts, and some stores that sell clothes. In addition to artistic and cultural performances and a lot of heritage festivals, many people love this experience in order to get acquainted with the traditional Chinese life in all its details.

  • Broadway Broadway:

    It is considered one of the most prominent areas interested in theater, culture and cinema, in the world, as this street has many exhibitions and theaters, the most famous of which is the theater that bears the name of Broadway, and this street is considered a symbol of American New York, which attracts tourists.

  • St. Paul’s Church:

Where St. Paul Church is located in the suburb of Manhattan, and it is characterized as one of the most important and most important churches that exist in New York, as it is located specifically on Broadway Street, which is one of the most important streets, and the church remains to this day, its doors are open to receive visitors and tourists.

  • Times Square:

Times Square is one of the most important and beautiful areas in New York, as it is one of the most important tourist attractions, as it is a large square where he has done many major events and celebrations, and events, and every year Times Square includes New Year celebrations, so that his sky is a beacon for fireworks, It also contains various stores and restaurants ancient and famous, and you will find it specifically at the intersection of Broadway Street and Seventh Avenue, until it has become one of the most important places that attract tourists from all over the world.



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