
The Seychelles island is considered one of the most beautiful islands in the world as a result of its embrace of palm trees and wild plants, which made it a beautiful natural landscape.

Its location

It stretches in the middle of the Indian Ocean, consisting of a hundred and fifteen islands, and is approximately a thousand and six hundred kilometers away from the east coast of Africa, to the northeastern side of Madagascar and the northwestern part of Somalia, and is located in the middle of it a group of other islands that include both the island of Mahe , And Praslin Island, as well as Ladigo, all of which are rocky islands, particularly granite.

Its most prominent tourist attractions

Upon reaching this island, you can enjoy going to many tourist safety, which is represented by sitting on its picturesque beaches, in addition to its markets and its many museums, and the most prominent hotels that can be stayed during this visit, are the following hotels:

  • Hotel Benyan Trees Seychelles.
  • Praslin Raffles Hotel.

Seychelles includes another small island in it, which is the island of Denis Island (Denis Island), which includes a group of villas for tourists who wish to spend their honeymoon, for example, and what follows these villas, jacuzzi, gardens, and large rooms.

Human life in it

Human life began specifically in the seventeenth century AD, when the Portuguese arrived in the sixteenth century to try to live in it, they did not find any manifestations of benefit or benefit to life; because of the launch of pirate ships from them for nearly two hundred years, and in 1756 AD France tried to It annexed it to its king, claiming that it is part of its territory, specifically when the ruler of France, Mauricache, sent a reconnaissance ship to it and named it on the island of Mahe de Bordonas.

After that, the French gradually began to go there to reach the first batch of the French, in addition to some of the citizens of their colonies to the islands, specifically in the year 1770 AD, and they planted many crops, such as: tea, coffee, and sugar cane, and in the year 1814 AD and after the end of the war between France and Britain During the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte, France ceded the Seychelles to Britain, until it gained independence in the year 1976 AD after it was part of Mauritius between 1814 and 1903 AD.

The Seychelles people

As for the Seychellois people, it is composed of a different group of races and races, as a result of the diversity of nationalities that were carried by the first ship that arrived on the island. Agricultural, attracted more workers to grow more agricultural crops, the most important of which is sugar cane, coffee and many other different tropical plants. When France ceded it to Britain, the British also recruited additional workers to increase production. Agricultural activities are from different regions of Asia, such as India and China, which led to the diversity of races and ethnicities in them.

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