
Slovakia, or in English (Slovakia) It is a European country, it is located in relation to the continent of Europe in the center, it is bordered on the eastern side by Ukraine, bordered on the west by Austria, and on the north by two states, Poland and the Czech Republic, and bordered on the southern side by Hungary or Hungary.

Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia

The central capital of Slovakia, and the largest city in Bratislava, is called in the English language (Bratislava)This name is pronounced English as Bratislava, and its name is written in the Slovak language as it is written in the English language, and it is pronounced in the English language.

Bratislava city website

The city of Bratislava is located in relation to the continent of Europe in the center, and it is located in relation to Slovakia in the southwestern side, which is a border city, where it is located on the border between Slovakia and Austria, and the border between Slovakia and Hungary. Bratislava is administratively linked to Bratislava, and Bratislava is one of the regions that make up Slovakia, according to its administrative division. It is known that Slovakia is divided administratively into eight regions.

Geography of the city of Bratislava

It passes through the city of Bratislava, one of the important and famous rivers in Europe, which is the Danube River, and this river stems from a region in Germany called (the Black Forest), and this river passes in several European capitals, and therefore it is called the Capitals River, and among the other capitals that this river passes a city Vienna is the capital of Austria, Budapest is the capital of Hungary, and Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. The length of this river is 2860 km, or 177 miles, and its basin area is approximately 817,000 square kilometers.

The area of ​​the city of Bratislava

Bratislava covers an area of ​​367,584 km2, or 142 square miles. The average height of the city of Bratislava is 134 meters, or 440 feet. The city of Bratislava is the largest city in Slovakia in terms of population, and in terms of population density, with a population exceeding 400 thousand people, the number of its population in particular, according to official statistics that took place in Slovakia in 2011, reached 411,228 people, and this number constitutes approximately 7.6% Of the total population of Slovakia, which is 5,397,036 people according to the statistics of 2011.

Population of the city of Bratislava

With regard to population density in Bratislava, it is the largest city in Slovakia in terms of population density, with approximately 1118 people per square kilometer, or 2,896 people per square mile, as Bratislava is one of the most densely populated cities in the European region Central.

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