
Algeria, officially known as the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria, is a country located on the northwestern side of the African continent. Algeria borders Tunisia and Libya on the eastern side, Mali, Niger on the southern side, Morocco and Mauritania on the western side, and the Mediterranean Sea on the northern side, and the Sahara covers a large part of the south of the country.

Algeria capital

The capital of Algeria is known by its name, that is, Algiers, and it is one of the largest cities in Algeria, the main and economic center of the country, and the largest port that connects Algeria with the outside countries of the world, especially in international trade exchange. The name Algeria comes from the plural of islands, in relation to the group of islands that are located opposite the coast, as the city is called joy, and white Algeria;

The city of Algeria was built on a coastal area parallel to the shores of the Mediterranean, and the eastern and northern regions of the city constitute a group of white buildings that add a beautiful view on the port and the marine bay of Algeria, while the establishment of the city dates back to the time of the Phoenicians, as it was a colony affiliated with them, and one of the most famous centers Trade at that time, and in the tenth century AD, barbarian tribes settled on their land.
In the sixteenth century AD, many Arabs and Jews who left the Spanish lands sought refuge in the city of Algeria, which later contributed to the spread of their cultural influence on Algerian society clearly, and during the French occuAl Bahahn of Algeria, the Algerian capital became a center for the French forces until the state of Algeria gained its independence, so the government made sure Algerian on the development of the capital in all public areas.

Geographical topography

The total geographical area of ​​Algeria is 2,381,741 km², and its geographical topography is divided into five main regions, namely:

  • Coastal areaIt forms the coastal strip of Algeria, and most of the territory of this region consists of beaches and rocks. It also includes a group of famous Algerian cities, including Oran and Annaba. It also contains the lines of the plains of rivers.
  • The hillsThis region contains a group of coastal plains, the most famous of which are the Annaba Plain and the Oran Plain. The hills produce many fruits and vegetables, as well as other plain areas that produce grains, including the Tlemcen plain and the Constantine plain.
  • High plateausIt is the region that lies between two series of mountains, namely the Atlas Mountains (Al-Tal) from the northern side, and the Atlas (Desert) Mountains from the southern side, and the height of its lands reaches between 800 m-1000 m, and this region is considered one of the regions that mainly produces grains.
  • Atlantic Heights: It is the region that forms the natural borders between the northern part and the southern part of Algeria, it contains a series of mountainous heights, the most famous of which are the Aures Mountains, and it also includes a group of forests that spread many trees such as rice and cork.
  • the desertIt forms most of the desert lands in Algeria, and it is distinguished by its varied geographical topography, as it is published in the northeastern region, including oases, while the eastern and western side is covered by sand dunes, and mountainous hills are spread on the southeastern side, and the Tahit summit is considered one of the highest peaks in it.

the climate

The climate of Algeria is a coastal climate, as it is affected by the sea coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Algiers enjoys a hot and dry climate and high humidity. The summer season is characterized by high temperatures and a great drought, as the summer temperatures reach their peak in August, with an average temperature of 30 ° C, while a warm winter and a rainy season are variable. The average winter temperature in January reaches 9 ° C, and the average annual rainfall is 691 mm.


The estimated number of the Algerian population is 40,263,711 million, and the population of Arab and Berber origins constitutes 99% of the total population density, and Islam is the official religion in Algeria, as the Muslim population is 99%, and the Arabic language is the official language in Algeria Aside from using a host of other languages, such as the French language and the traditional Berber language.


The economy in Algeria is witnessing remarkable development, as the application of privatization of government industries has been stopped, and the government has endeavored to ensure that economic imports are pursued. Algeria contains one of the largest natural gas reserves in the world, which constitutes a large proportion of its exports to countries of the world. In 2015, Algeria encouraged the local production and industry sector, and the Algerian economy also sought to attract many foreign investments that contributed to providing adequate support to the local economy.


Berbers are considered to be the first inhabitants of Algeria, as they settled in the mountains in the northern regions of it due to the extension of the Great Desert in the south. In the third century B.C., the Phoenicians reached it and contributed to the establishment of many civilized societies on its soil, and then it came to follow Romen rule, but in the period of weakening the Romen state German tribal groups called Vandals occupied the Algerian lands in 429 AD, but the Byzantines defeated them in 534 My birth, and in the year 600 AD, Muslims conquered Algeria and the northern parts of Africa, and spread the Islamic religion there, where the Berbers converted to Islam.
In the sixteenth century A.D., Spanish Christian forces occupied the Algerian lands, which prompted the Berbers to use the Ottoman Empire for fear of losing their land and religion, as the Ottomans regained the region and ruled it until the nineteenth century AD. In the year 1830 AD, the French occupied Algeria and converted it to a French colony. The French occuAl Bahahn lasted for more than 130 years until 1954 AD when the Algerian revolution took place. Algeria attained full independence in 1962.


Algeria is one of the most beautiful tourist cities because of its long history, civilization, and strategic importance. The capital includes many attractive tourist places, in addition to museums that display Algerian history and civilization, the most important of which is the National Museum of Bardo, which displays Algerian history and monuments, as well as exhibits with Rock paintings from Tassili Nagar National Park, and the city contains many other museums, including the Children’s Museum, the National Museum of Ancient Archeology, Islamic Arts, and the National Institute of Heritage.

Civilizational landmarks

Due to the expansion of many civilizations across Algeria, they contain a group of important public buildings that belong to different civilizations and time periods, and have a long history. Among the most prominent landmarks of Algeria:

  • The Kasbah Building: It is a building that was built in 1516 AD on the ruins of an old building, and was used as a palace until the French occuAl Bahahn.
  • Great MosqueThe oldest mosque in the Algerian capital, where it was built in a building dating back to 1018 AD.
  • The new mosque: A mosque built in the seventeenth century AD, surrounded by four small white domes dominated by a huge white dome.

Video of mint tea gift

Imagine loving a tea that you could give as a gift? This is exactly what the Algerians are doing! Find out about some of the strangest information about Algeria and its people:

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