Guam is the largest island in Micronesia and was the only island that the United States held in the region before World War II. Guam was occupied by the Japanese on December 8, 1941, just hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and it was occupied for two and a half years. During the occuAl Bahahn period, the people of Guam were subjected to torture, beheadings, and rape, and were forced to adopt Japanese culture. Guam was subject to heavy fighting when US forces retook the island on July 21, 1944, and it is now the annual celebration of Liberation Day.
Today, Guam’s economy is based on the main tourism industry, which is Guam’s second largest source of income.
Guam are citizens of the United States, while they cannot vote in the American elections. The permanent residents of Guam are mostly from the indigenous shares of Chamorro about (37%) or out of the Philippines with about (26%). The rest of the population is from other islands in the Pacific Ocean, Caucasians and other people of Asian origin. The overwhelming majority is Romen Catholicism. English, Chamorro, and Filipino languages ​​are the main languages; Chamorro’s conservation efforts began in 1990. About a quarter of the population consists of American military personnel and their families.

Goods and services are provided for massive American bases, and the main industry relies on tourism, especially from Japan. There are some light industries in Guam which are an important transshipment hub in Micronesia and other Pacific islands. Some residents practice subsistence farming, but large-scale cultivation is no longer possible due to the military installations that occupy much of the land. Local leaders began lobbying for military land in 1990.
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Guam contains artifacts dating back to the human era c. 1500 BC. Which was found in Guam, while the first settlement dating back 500 years or more was discovered. In 1521 Ferdinand Magellan visited Guam, and Spain controlled Guam until 1898, when he was transferred by the United States in the Spanish-American War. After 1917, Guam, under the Naval Forces Division, was governed by a naval officer by the local congress. Guam was captured from Japan in 1941, restored by US forces in 1944, and became the main base for attacks on the mainland.

The largest ethnic group is the native Chamorros, which represent about 37.1% of the total population. Another 75,000 live outside Mariana in California, Washington, Texas and Hawaii. Other important ethnic groups include Filipino ones (25.5%) and Whites (10%). The rest is from other Pacific Islands or from Chinese, Japanese and Korean descent. Romen Catholicism is the predominant religion, with about 85% of the population belonging.
Guam, unincorporated Territory of the United States in the Western Pacific. It is one of the five regions of the United States with the established civilian government. Guam is located in the largest and far south of the Mariana Islands. The island has a long history of European colonialism, beginning with the landing of the Spanish expedition of Ferdinand Magellan on March 6, 1521. The first colony was established in 1668 by Spain with the arrival of settlers including Padre San Vitores, a Catholic missionary. Spain took control of the island until 1898, when it surrendered to the United States during the Spanish-American War and formally ceded as part of the Treaty of Paris. The official languages ​​of the island are English and Chamorro.

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