The Eisen-Asphalt caves are considered one of the most important caves found in the city of Austria and in the entire Central European continent as it is considered a great fictional place as they are caves composed of frozen waters that are found at the highest peaks of the Austrian Alps chain in addition to the presence of some of them also in the depths of the foot of the Alps And which is famous for its picturesque appearance and the splendor of the natural landscapes in it as it is a well-established waterfalls and frozen by the extreme low temperature that exists in this region, which made it to be some huge glaciers also, as the state of Austria is known to contain many islands and cities that Its T. A long history, in addition to the technological civilization that tourism has witnessed in Austria today, which made it build a modern tourism civilization and compete with its ancient civilization, making it one of the most suitable countries for tourism, and the state of Austria contains many pleasures that many tourists from different countries of the whole world wish to visit as well. It is considered a non-coastal country as it does not overlook any sea or ocean as it is located in the middle of the continent of Central Europe, but it is characterized by the passage of the colorful Danube River, which passes through many other European tourist countries, the most important of which are Germany, Ukraine, Portugal and others, as for About D It is considered one of the most beautiful cities of Curtin, as it is also considered the main capital of Curtin, which is one of the most important tourist states that exist in the state of Austria, and it is worth noting also that the city of both Gonfrut is located close to the international borders that separate between The state of Austria and between the southern region of the famous mountain range, the Alps, which are located in it, which is the highest and deep in its foothills, is one of the most beautiful natural monuments in the world, and is the Isner of Asphalt caves.

As we mentioned earlier, the Eisen-Esenfelte caves region is distinguished by the fact that it formed from the frozen waterfalls that poured into this place, which made it be a group of caves with huge overhangs, which are characterized by severe freezing, and it is also worth noting that the word Eisenfahl Caves means in the German language The name of the world of ice giants as it is considered this place is the largest and largest group of ice caves that can be seen and visited in the state of Austria and in the continent of Europe as a whole but also is the largest in the network of ice cave networks in the whole world, and it is worth noting also that these caves Easner Eisevelt Caves are marked as With many mazes, which tourists prefer to walk around in to solve the mystery of this complex maze, as these caves with its mazes and giant halls have an area of ​​about more than forty two square kilometers.

It is also worth noting that these caves are a group of Iser-Eisevelt caves located specifically within the mountain block of Tenen, which is located in the southern side of the famous Austrian city of Salz Burg, as it separates the Iser-Caves of Eisevelt and between the heart of the city of Salz Burg about more than forty square kilometers The entrance to the cave is characterized by its icy walls, which reach a height of about thirty meters, and at the top of the summit there is a large maze with many passages and caves, and inside the Isr Esenflatt caves there are many hanging lamps and torches of guides that give off a dim yellow light where you can see The beauty of the caves from the inside is alive W it is full of ice curtains and columns that have the shape of statues, as it reflects the white color emitted from the walls of the cave, which is characterized by its great cold.

It is also known that in the Eisen-Eifelt asphalt caves there are some places that can be terrified by the sounds of the whistling cold and bitter air currents that circulate in the narrow corridors where the air is released on its way inside the caves to reach the top of the mountain, and it was mentioned in the cave statistics that Easer Eisevelt Caves receive about two hundred thousand tourists almost every year, as these caves are allowed to be visited in the times of spring, summer and autumn only, as it is always advised to wear winter clothes because of the freezing climate in this region, no matter how different the seasons in the city, and This place can be visited starting from the hour Nine in the morning until half past four in the afternoon, when the ticket costs about nineteen euros.

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