
Archeology, antiquities, or ancient science Archeology It is a fairly modern science, especially in the Arab world, where interest in it began in the eighteenth century A.D., and it specializes in studying the remnants of the past human in ancient times, whether from the stone ages before knowledge of writing or in historical times, and human remains are divided into fixed material waste Such as: buildings, buildings, caves, or movable movable waste; such as: antiques, statues, ornamental tools and earthenware jars, as well as non-material or ideological waste, including religion, science, customs, arts, and ideas, which is known as anthropology.

Information about archeology

The difference between heritage and monuments

There is a difference between heritage and antiquities, and depending on what was stated in the Jordanian Antiquities Law issued by the Jordanian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the antiquity is all that dates back to before the year 1750 AD, and the heritage is what goes back to after the mentioned year.

How to detect effects

  • Field surveys, it is known that the surface of the archaeological site is teeming with archaeological finds, such as pottery fractures and bones, not to mention the color of its soil, and the type of plants growing in it.
  • Agricultural works and road construction, it is necessary for the contractor to obtain a construction permit from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities before work, and when any such thing is found, a decision is made to carry out an emergency rescue excavation, if the finds are simple so that it can be transferred to a museum or store that allows the contractor to complete the construction, Otherwise, it will be compensated, and the process will be stopped, given that the ancient land belongs to the state.
  • Aerial surveys using satellites and infrared, buildings buried under the ground appear in a specific form.
  • Ultrasound scan by sonar to detect underwater submerged impacts in seas and oceans.
  • Oral and historical accounts, such as: records of kings, residents of the region, especially the elderly.
  • Metal detector, which is for gold only.

Auxiliary Sciences for Archeology

  • Geology: It is concerned with studying the layers of the Earth and its formation.
  • Geomorphology: He is concerned with studying the topography of the earth, and its mountains, seas and plains.
  • Money science: It is called coins, numismatics, and specializes in studying currency.
  • Anthropology: It is concerned with the study of the human being, his habits, thoughts, culture and beliefs.
  • history: Not the date, meaning the date calendar, ie, the chronology.
  • Paleogeography: And learned ancient texts and inscriptions.

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