Human civilizations

There have been many civilizations on this earth that have emerged from the groupings of individuals, who in turn were developing themselves in all respects, whether political, social or economic, and that was in order to seek to improve their lives, and discovered forms of civilization and development of drawings, writings and industries in addition to The buildings, some of which are still standing to this day, and examples of civilizations that were throughout history: the Canaanite, Assyrian, and Romen civilizations in addition to the Pharaonic civilization that arose on the banks of the Nile, and in this article we will mention to you the most important pharaonic monuments in Egypt.

Pharaonic civilization

As is the case, the rulers of states today are called the president or king – according to the system of government – and in the case of the ancient rulers of Egypt, they chose the title of “Pharaoh” to refer to their rulers, who were treated by the people as gods, where the Egyptian Pharaonic civilization is defined as the period In which the thirty Egyptian families ruled Egypt, which numbered thirty, before being invaded by the Romen Empire, and its beginning was with King Mina, where the pharaonic rule of Egypt began in the year 3150 BC, and settled on the banks of the Nile, which helped Pharaohs on the development of the irrigation system and success in agriculture, in addition In order to manufacture ships that helped them develop relations with neighboring countries and exploit them in the trade process, and life in the time of the Pharaohs continued to develop, the Pharaohs knew the writing, discovered the annual calendar and extracted minerals from the land and made coins, in addition to that they developed the military regime and spread their influence and control Also to neighboring countries, and their civilization was not devoid of interest in culture. For their time, writers and books appeared, and in their time the first book on ethics and behavior appeared, as they were from the former in the field of medicine and discovered methods of embalming and other things.

Pharaonic antiquities

Pharaohs excelled in the process of reconstruction and construction, and they developed their tools to help them build easily and quickly. Apart from the houses they inhabited, they were interested in building large facilities with great engineering, at the request of the Pharaonic kings.

The reasons for its construction

The reasons for creating these buildings were multiple, and can be summarized in these points:

  • The Pharaonic kings wanted to extend their authority and show their strength in front of their people and the neighboring countries.
  • Commemorate their memory and reinforce the feeling of their divinity.
  • The establishment of burial sites for the Pharaonic kings.

The most important pharaonic monuments

  • Giza Pyramids: It is likely that they were built in the year 2500 BC, as they are located to the west of the Nile River, and the Giza Pyramids are the graves of the pharaohs kings that started construction at the time of the third family of the Pharaohs families by the engineer Imhotep, and that he faced problems in designing the pyramid in a way Ideally, until the engineer Heimono came and built the pyramid of King Khufu, which remained the largest building in the world until the nineteenth century, and they adopted the shape of the pyramid because they believed that the dead souls would reach faster to the sky, and its construction continued twenty years, and it is worth noting that The weight of one stone used in construction is 12t A.
  • The Karnak Temple, which was built at the time of Amun in 1400 BC at the time of the Eighteenth Dynasty, where this temple was dedicated to the worship of Amun and his family, and the nineteenth family of the Pharaonic families continued construction of the temple, which is one of the largest pharaonic temples in Egypt, where it contains This temple has a number of sphinx statues and is distinguished by the beauty of its carved walls and stately columns.
  • Horus Temple, which took 180 years to build, and this temple is the second largest temple in the Pharaonic Kingdom, located in the city of Edfu, and is characterized by its walls that contain many drawings and reliefs that tell stories about the struggle of the gods.
  • The statue of Nefertiti, who is the wife of Akhenaten, where this statue was found in the Deir Amarneh region in Egypt, and this statue is estimated to be more than 3000 years old, and Tuthmosis carved it into the queen of limestone.
  • Narmer painting: This painting is considered one of the oldest Egyptian pharaonic monuments, which belongs to the king of the first Pharaonic family Narmer, and this painting was drawn on the green schist stone.
  • The statue of the dwarf Sinip and his family: This statue was carved from limestone and includes Sinip and his wife who are sitting next to him and two of their children standing under them, and this is according to the Pharaohs so that the children will be a support and assistance to the family in the other life.

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