We offer you a set of tips for traveling to Azerbaijan, which is located in the Caucasus region located in Eurasia, which is located in a border with Russia from the north side, while from the south side is bordered by Iran, and in the northwest is bordered by Georgia, and in the west side is bordered by Armenia.
Azerbaijan has a lot of tourist attractions distinguished by its natural scenery, despite its lack of popularity among other tourist countries and in recent years it has witnessed an increase in tourist turnout, so if you plan to travel to it, through Arab travelers, you can see the most important advice before coming to this step.

The most important tips for traveling to Azerbaijan

  • When you are inside Azerbaijan, avoid going into political talk in general and especially in the case of talking about the internal policy of the state, the people of Azerbaijan have all love and loyalty to their country and do not like to hear any negative opinion about their country, and the people receive friendliness and love for tourists in general, and they may avoid offering greetings For the tourist, if he listens to an opinion he does not like.
  • The state of Azerbaijan is one of the countries that respects and values ​​women, so any visitor should avoid approaching them, intercepting their path, or harassing them, especially on public transportation.
  • In order to ensure your safety, you must register with government immigration offices via the Internet in the event that the trip will exceed 10 days.
  • The Azerbaijani state is characterized by its great interest in cleanliness, so you must keep its streets clean and avoid throwing garbage on the road, as this may expose you to a violation that you do not need, and among the cleanest cities there is the city of Baku, which is the capital and which spread in its various ways many garbage boxes, usually in general You must keep it anywhere you go.
  • Among the customs of Azerbaijanis is to give gifts to visitors, and it is better not to accept the gift offered to you from the first time and accept it from the third time if they return it to you, and this is considered to be an etiquette of accepting gifts in the event of travel to that country.
  • One of the tips that you should know when traveling to Azerbaijan is that there should not be a stamp within your passport for the state of Armenia that might make you fall into a major crisis and may turn to investigation, it is known that there is great enmity between the two towns since ancient times, and that hostility sometimes reaches to prevent merchants from entering Azerbaijan Who come from Armenia.

Things not to do in Azerbaijan

  • Taxi rides in Azerbaijan are very expensive, as it is one of the most expensive means of transportation there, and in the case of moving from the airport to the capital you can ride the Airport Express bus, which is less expensive than the taxi, and do not forget while you are inside the country that you have a credit card, and in the case of taxi ride, you must Price negotiation.
  • It is better while traveling to Azerbaijan and in the interest of safety and security, to avoid going to the Nagorno-Karabakh region, especially at the military zone that is there and which is witnessing a lot of military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan and many political demonstrations.
  • We must beware of theft operations that you may be exposed to while you are inside that country. Although Azerbaijan enjoys a great deal of security, it is not safe from pickpocketing, and you should avoid walking in isolated places, and it is best not to keep a large amount of money with you during Exit, and be especially careful when going to shopping.
  • The best times to visit Azerbaijan, in particular the capital, Baku, is the autumn season in October. As for visiting mountainous areas, the ideal time for them is in July.
  • Currencies must be changed in official banks located throughout the country, and dealing with individuals who are not authorized to change currencies should be avoided in order not to be a victim of theft.

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