
The pyramids are one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and they are considered one of the largest puzzles in the world in terms of the way they are built, their beauty, and the splendor of things inside them, as their construction is elaborate in a distinctive engineering way, and at a time when modern mechanisms and equipment were not available, as is the case at the present time It is considered a miracle, and it gained great fame among millions of individuals throughout the ages, so it was classified as the most beautiful tourist area in Egypt, and in this article we will talk about it in general.

Where are the pyramids

The pyramids are located in the Fayoum governorate in Giza, as they were built between 1530 – 2630 BC.

The names of the pyramids and the reason for their construction

The names of the pyramids are: the pyramid of Khafre, the pyramid of Menkaure, and the pyramid of Khufu, but the main reason for its construction was burial, as an Egyptian king was constructing a pyramid so that he would be buried after his death, as he was burying his luggage, clothes, food, jewelry, and drinks as well, so that he could use it In the second life, due to the belief of the Pharaohs that there is another life after death.

How to build pyramids

Modern science scholars have not been able to know how to build the pyramids until the present time, despite the great development that has reached it and these miracles:

  • Knowing how the pyramids are similar to the four directions: North, South, East, and West.
  • Scientists affirmed that the sun is permanently perpendicular to the top of the pyramid, and therefore this contributes to the passage of the sun and its entry into the room where the kings and mummies were buried underground.
  • The scientists emphasized that the three pyramids were built on the integrity of one with the Arctic star, because they believed that this saves the pyramid from stealing thieves, and that the blessing of their gods will be solved on the pyramid, and the mummy inside it is preserved, as positive energy enters it, enabling the spirit of the kings to live in comfort And peace in the pyramid.

The things available in the pyramids

  • King Khufu’s pyramid: This pyramid includes a room dedicated to the king’s acres, and other rooms that include his family, his entourage, and his servants, as well as many paths that make it difficult for thieves, in addition to containing secret rooms that contain the deceased’s objects and jewelry.
  • The pyramid of King Khafra: It contains many passages leading to the burial chamber, which was made of rock, in addition to containing many chambers.
  • Pyramid of the king drenched: Inside it there are secret rooms and corridors, which reach the end of the king’s grave.

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