A modern city

A modern city is one of the Iraqi cities that are located in the west of the Republic, and it belongs to Anbar Governorate. About 260 square kilometers away from the Iraqi capital, the city has a population of about 100 thousand people. It is inhabited by various Arab tribes and clans from the Ramadi area. And Rawah and the region of Anah and others, the city extends on the banks of the Euphrates by an estimated distance of about (25) kilometers.

Its advantages

The city is characterized by the abundance of poets and writers, as well as scholars, as well as the relationship of affinity and kinship between the tribes and clans of the city to the degree of affiliation of all to the city, a modern and broad city with many and branched roads, and the city is linked to Salahuddin Governorate by the Baiji district, as there are wild roads that lead to Jordan, the Syrian Republic and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its lands enjoy fertility but less agriculture; being dependent on rain water, and there are desert lands, and there are agricultural projects to improve the land through the use of irrigation by wells.

Archeological sites in it

There are many mosques, ancient shrines and ancient shrines in the city, such as the shrine, mausoleum and dome of Sheikh Abd al-Qadir al-Alusi, a pilot whose lineage goes back to Sheikh al-Kilani, as there is the Faruq Mosque, which was built in the year (16) Hijri, in the era of the second caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab, This was during the Islamic conquests of Iraq, and in 2009, after the receding of water due to drought, an ancient ancient city was discovered, dating back more than (3000) years BC, and its residents were Amorites.

A modern city during the occuAl Bahahn of Iraq

The American forces were unable to control the city during the US-led invasion of Iraq in the period between 2003-2008, which led the forces to station outside the city, where they set up a camp for them in the Haditha Dam area; the fact that the city is far from the capital Baghdad, where the American bases are located, and from The reasons for their lack of control over them; the presence of some armed groups in Fallujah, Ramadi, Yusufiyah, and Karama are fighting with American forces from behind, but for the time being they are controlled by Anbar police.

Dam Haditha

There is a modern dam near the city, and behind the dam there is a huge lake, and it contains two ports to discharge electricity, six hydroelectric stations, and a waterway consisting of six openings, which are controlled through radial gates, where the dam feeds the energy needs of all the cities of Anbar province electrical.

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