Block the three lanes

The Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydraulic power dam around the world, which is located on the banks of the Yangtze River in Yichang Province in China or the Dragon River as it is known among the locals, which is the third longest river in the world, and is characterized by its quiet location and away from the city noise, and abundance Its water and its rapid flow, especially in the rainy and flood seasons, which allows it to produce very large electric energy.

The size of the Three Gorges Dam

The construction of the body of the Three Gorges Dam was completed in 2006 to reach a height of 183 m from the river bed and its length extends to 2.3 km, and its construction was completed until 2012 when work was completed on it and the installation of the last major turbines consisting of it to start work in the production of electrical energy in full Its capacity has a combined installed capacity of 22,500 citizens, and in 2012 the total average energy produced from the dam rose to the level of energy production for the Itaipu Dam, and in addition to the work of the dam in generating electric power, the dam works to increase the charged capacity of the Yatigsti River and provide an industrial pool to collect rain water And floods to Preventing floods from the river to the neighboring agricultural areas.

The cost of building the Three Gorges Dam

When the dam’s construction was completed in 2008, the total cost used to build it was $ 10 billion, as more than 10.8 tons of cement were used in the dam’s construction work, in addition to 1.9 tons of rolled iron and 1.6 million tons of wood-based panels. The dam included 32 main electric generators each operating at a power of 700 megawatts in addition to 6 sub-generators located under the main station, where its importance is to provide the energy needed to flow water through the station.

The reason for building the Three Gorges Dam

The Three Gorges Dam was established with the aim of generating electric energy from the kinetic energy of river water. The amount of electric energy generated through the dam station is 84 billion kilowatts, which constitutes 11% -15% of the amount of electric energy consumed in China. The importance of this dam is also Reducing the floods of the Yangtze River, especially in rainy seasons, as its water is used to irrigate crops in dry seasons, and it contributes greatly to facilitating navigation traffic, and given that it is the largest dam in the world, it attracted a large number of tourists to it and was helped by the quiet green areas that extend around it.

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