The Romen amphitheater, or what is known as the Colosseum, is one of the most important landmarks of Romen architecture that the Romens inspired its design from the Greek Greeks, with some modifications that show the Romen character in it, and the coliseum is considered in[RomeknownastheFlavianAmphitheater(English:Flavian)isoneofthemostfamousRomenamphitheatersbecauseitretainsmostofitsfeatures[روماوالمعروفباسممُدرَّجفلافيان(بالإنجليزيّة:Flavian)منأكثرالمُدرَّجاتالرومانيّةشُهرة؛نظراًلاحتفاظهبمُعظمملامحه
It is worth noting that the beginning of the construction of the Colosseum known as the Flavian Amphitheater was in the era of Vespasian (in the period between (70-72 AD), where this amphitheater expands to fifty thousand spectators, as there were many matches, competitions, such as wrestling Among men, and wrestling between men and animals, the staircase was destroyed in the middle ages due to earthquakes and thunderbolts.
Colosseum uses
The Colosseum was no longer used in the struggle of the Majlis since Rome fell in 476 AD, as it became a place for workshops and homes, other than being a place for horse stables, according to what was mentioned in the site (Medievalists), and in the period between the two centuries: the ninth and fourteenth centuries AD The Colosseum became residential apartments after the church rented it, and a part of it turned into warehouses and commercial stores, but its main square has become a public square without being restored or developed, knowing that the use of the Colosseum in such matters stopped, due to the earthquake in which Rome was exposed In the year 1349 AD.
The most famous Romen amphitheater in the Arab countries
There is a large group of Romen amphitheaters built by the Romens in the various Arab countries that they controlled, and which are still witnesses of Romen civilization, and among these are:
- Grades: This amphitheater, located in Tunis, is distinguished by its magnitude, beauty, and circular appearance.
- The Romen amphitheater in Amman: This amphitheater is located in the center of the Jordanian capital, Amman, where it was built during the reign of Romen Emperor Antonis Bymus in the period between (169-177 AD).
- The Romen amphitheater in Alexandria: This amphitheater is located in the region of Kom al-Dikka, and it is listed in the form of a horseshoe, which consists of 13 rows, knowing that its construction was at the beginning of the fourth century AD.